2018年1月23日 星期二

Website design, how business websites get traffic

Website design, website created for business users is always a challenge, people create a site to share information or brand promotion, so your main goal is to let the user as easy as possible to find the necessary data, to ensure that your visitors are happy, this is the first step of website design. The competitive world determines its own rules, so you need to find ways to let visitors browse your content in a longer time and let users have the idea of re opening your website. In this article, I will share five simple web site design techniques and how to get more web site traffic.
 Website design
1. The readability of the website
Readability is the key to generating a greater number of transformations and participation. If your website has a small to almost unreadable font, congratulations on a chance to lose a visitor. This means that you will lose potential customers. Make sure that all the text on your site is clear and readable: blank space, a list of key points, a clear background and a clear display of text. In addition, you can even dismantle all the advertising elements and banners, and don't let the users read the content when they are distracted.
2. Build a visual effect
Visual scrolling is a trend in web design, which provides a visual way to attract eyeballs and communicate information. In other words, it will help you tell a story about your products and services. The parallax uses several design elements to scroll in a single web page. This result in a wonderful dynamic experience encourages users to roll more.
3. Make sure that your web site is loaded quickly
Nothing can kill your user as a slow load of time on your site. If your website needs too much load, visitors will leave the site and no one has the patience to wait for it. Therefore, the number of images on the page affects the speed of loading. In order to improve user participation and availability, you should optimize your image and make them load as fast as possible. In order to solve the huge image size problem, you can use the PS image processing software. Store your images as Web and device images. Using 80% "JPEG - high" preset settings, it does not greatly reduce the quality of the picture. In addition, there are many online tools to reduce the size of your image without losing the quality.
4. Use icons
Normally, you need a lot of text to describe everything on an informative web site. This is a challenging task for designers. The use of icons can help users quickly find what they are looking for. These days, designers use icon fonts to make hieroglyphics like words: their infinite scalability through CSS, and customizable vector based. In the early days, the icon must be implemented as a bitmap figure, which is a tedious implementation and modification. Combining with dynamic typesetting icons will make your website easy to read and navigate, and help to participate.
What I described above always happens in web design, and you should consider them and create your next Web project. Make sure that your website is dynamic, fast, and user friendly.

