多模UPS系統能夠爲數據中心運營商提供兩種工作模式的選擇:其一,雙轉換模式,可提供優質的電力保障,以及多模或稱“經濟模式”,其提供了優質的工作效率。當企業用戶選擇多模式作爲默認的操作模式時,能夠幫助他們實現98 %到99%的效率,如果在UPS輸入檢測到電源異常,UPS系統會在不到兩毫秒的時間內自動轉移到高級保護模式。在美國,電源異常對於信息技術(IT)的關鍵負載是有害的,其時長通常佔到每年總運行時間的僅三成,因此操作模式之間切換將最有可能是全年最小的。
一項由Frost & Sullivan的研究顯示,僅僅通過採用多模UPS系統,並在大部分時間運行多模UPS系統,一家佔地面積達50000平方英尺的數據中心可在10年左右的時間裏實現能源消耗節約達310萬美元。這些節約來自於UPS系統本身能耗的減少和散熱、通風和空調(HVAC)系統用於克服UPS系統排熱的能耗的下降。隨着能源成本持續上升,多模的UPS所帶來的能源節約會隨着時間的推移越來越多。
一些製造商,如通用電氣關鍵電源業務,在他們的多模系統設計了額外的獨特功能,GE將其稱爲eBoost技術。這些功能包括在經濟模式下電源路徑提供功率調節的電平,在這種高效率的模式下利用一個線路電抗器;具體而言,它減輕了高頻“增援”事件和低頻率“環波”,使轉移到雙轉換模式將被最小化。該反應器的設計還允許高達 +/-25%的電纜長度差,用於多UPS模塊佈線的並行輸出總線。這種電纜長度差還提供落地式佈局設計,提高了靈活性。其他一些UPS製造商必須保持電纜長度差爲+/-10%或UPS的功率風險降額或排除不當並聯UPS的運行。
2018年1月31日 星期三
長期以來,蓄電池的維護單位都是以人工維護,最常見的是以下幾種方式:1.1. 覈對性放電這種方法是最準確知道蓄電池容量的方法。具體的操作是將浮充狀態的電池組脫離負載,然後以電池標稱容量的0.1C的速度放電(即100Ah的電池以10A的放電速度放電),並記錄電池到達規定的終止電壓的時間以確定電池的實際容量。這種方法最大的優點是準確,但缺點也顯而易見:這種方法需人工操作,有一定的危險性;需要脫離負載操作,所以放電過程中如果發生停電,系統就沒有後備電源的保障;這種方法其實測試的電池組裏面最差電池單體的容量,其他電池單體的容量仍然沒有掌握的;另外對電池容量本身也有一定的損害,所以不能頻繁的對電池進行覈對性放電,一般的用電單位進行這種測試的頻率是一年1-2次,而電池劣化的過程經常是在幾周內發生的,這樣在兩次測試間隔時期電池的狀態仍然是未知的,事故隱患仍然存在。
2.1 集中式在線電池內阻監控系統
2.2 分佈式在線電池內阻監控系統
3.1 絕對精度
3.2 測試結果的重複度
3.3 模塊的損耗
3.4 模塊的安全性能
4. 電池容量狀態的判斷
5. 結束語
長期以來,蓄電池的維護單位都是以人工維護,最常見的是以下幾種方式:1.1. 覈對性放電這種方法是最準確知道蓄電池容量的方法。具體的操作是將浮充狀態的電池組脫離負載,然後以電池標稱容量的0.1C的速度放電(即100Ah的電池以10A的放電速度放電),並記錄電池到達規定的終止電壓的時間以確定電池的實際容量。這種方法最大的優點是準確,但缺點也顯而易見:這種方法需人工操作,有一定的危險性;需要脫離負載操作,所以放電過程中如果發生停電,系統就沒有後備電源的保障;這種方法其實測試的電池組裏面最差電池單體的容量,其他電池單體的容量仍然沒有掌握的;另外對電池容量本身也有一定的損害,所以不能頻繁的對電池進行覈對性放電,一般的用電單位進行這種測試的頻率是一年1-2次,而電池劣化的過程經常是在幾周內發生的,這樣在兩次測試間隔時期電池的狀態仍然是未知的,事故隱患仍然存在。
2.1 集中式在線電池內阻監控系統
2.2 分佈式在線電池內阻監控系統
3.1 絕對精度
3.2 測試結果的重複度
3.3 模塊的損耗
3.4 模塊的安全性能
4. 電池容量狀態的判斷
5. 結束語
Enterprise data center migration, data storage optimization
Data center migration, storage technology is almost the most neglected or ignored. The management of storage devices in many enterprises is usually implemented by the primary members of the operation team. Compared with applications and networks, storage professionals rarely have industry certification. Storage professionals are often ignored in promotion, and in many cases, storage professionals do not have a workable career ladder.
Storage devices are also ignored in IT resource management. Many data centers usually do not make full use of storage space, so that the data they can hold can not exceed 20%.. In other cases, storage devices are also ignored. No one needs to check where the unused storage space is. In contrast, the way they deal with the lack of storage space is to buy more storage devices.
The lesson is also obvious: if the enterprise wants to improve the cost of the data center, it needs to implement the best management practice of storage and other resources.
The following are the six steps that the chief information officer and the data center manager can take to optimize the large data storage.
1. check the stratified strategy of large data
Most data center managers admit that they store much more data than they want. The main reason is to worry that discarding the data that may be useful to the future has a certain impact on the electronic discovery and retrieval of the document. However, none of these can store data in an optimized processing and storage manner.
Data seldom used by enterprises or data that have never been used but may be used for legal purposes can be stored in data centers or clouds, or stored on cold storage devices consisting of tapes and disks which are slow but inexpensive. The fast daily access data that the enterprise must provide can be stored on a high - speed solid state hard disk with high prices. The occasionally accessed data between these two extremes can be residing on a medium speed disk drive.
Enterprises need to determine which data should be stored and then placed there, which will reduce the cost of storage.
2. evaluate the cost of data scalability based on Cloud Computing (relative to local deployment)
The current view is that it would be better to use the lengthwise extension data storage at the cloud end for peak data time, because the enterprise only leased the storage space. However, there may be hidden costs when the enterprise is beyond the normal data storage allocation of the cloud. The enterprise should regularly assess whether it is actually expanding in the cloud, and whether it is cheaper to extend the data vertically than in its own data center.
3. clear the storage resources of the enterprise and evaluate their use
Enterprises in the data center, somewhere in the data center, or somewhere in the field, will find the disk drive that is not fully utilized. If the enterprise does not have a latest IT asset management system that tracks all the assets, it needs to be immediately obtained and started to use. Storage devices should be the first area of concern for enterprises, to see if they are fully utilized or not used at all, so enterprises can see where to improve their utility. If there is an outdated storage resource, it can be cleared.
4. evaluation of enterprise distributed data mart storage
This point is in line with the views mentioned above. Enterprises need to know where their distributed data mart (and storage) are and how to make full use of storage devices. If the utilization of storage devices is greatly reduced, then try to redistribute it to a larger demand area.
5. make edge storage strategy and Practice
The unique feature of edge storage is that most of the storage devices are in the use of robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning and automated manufacturing facilities. Edge storage enables enterprises to temporarily store data in collection points of local data centers, and then upload data when bandwidth becomes more available. This may be a batch night process.
Edge storage management may be a problem, because in many cases, local production engineers or factory workers who do not have knowledge background are required to manage. IT storage professionals need to monitor these storage devices, so that they can monitor the running status of the whole, and to determine which machine generated data stored and what data (such as communication between machines and related business, jitter) and decide whether it should be discarded.
6. policy for the formulation and implementation of data retention
Usually the enterprise reviews a user's data retention policy every few years, and these audits should be carried out once a year. Data preservation and user access rights should be reviewed annually, because the storage capacity of these two aspects is constantly changing. This measure also prompts users to determine which data they want and which data can be discarded.
The ultimate goal of all these big data storage objectives is to optimize the utilization and overhead of storage resources, regardless of whether the resources are deployed inside the data center or in the cloud.
Storage devices are also ignored in IT resource management. Many data centers usually do not make full use of storage space, so that the data they can hold can not exceed 20%.. In other cases, storage devices are also ignored. No one needs to check where the unused storage space is. In contrast, the way they deal with the lack of storage space is to buy more storage devices.
The lesson is also obvious: if the enterprise wants to improve the cost of the data center, it needs to implement the best management practice of storage and other resources.
The following are the six steps that the chief information officer and the data center manager can take to optimize the large data storage.
1. check the stratified strategy of large data
Most data center managers admit that they store much more data than they want. The main reason is to worry that discarding the data that may be useful to the future has a certain impact on the electronic discovery and retrieval of the document. However, none of these can store data in an optimized processing and storage manner.
Data seldom used by enterprises or data that have never been used but may be used for legal purposes can be stored in data centers or clouds, or stored on cold storage devices consisting of tapes and disks which are slow but inexpensive. The fast daily access data that the enterprise must provide can be stored on a high - speed solid state hard disk with high prices. The occasionally accessed data between these two extremes can be residing on a medium speed disk drive.
Enterprises need to determine which data should be stored and then placed there, which will reduce the cost of storage.
2. evaluate the cost of data scalability based on Cloud Computing (relative to local deployment)
The current view is that it would be better to use the lengthwise extension data storage at the cloud end for peak data time, because the enterprise only leased the storage space. However, there may be hidden costs when the enterprise is beyond the normal data storage allocation of the cloud. The enterprise should regularly assess whether it is actually expanding in the cloud, and whether it is cheaper to extend the data vertically than in its own data center.
3. clear the storage resources of the enterprise and evaluate their use
Enterprises in the data center, somewhere in the data center, or somewhere in the field, will find the disk drive that is not fully utilized. If the enterprise does not have a latest IT asset management system that tracks all the assets, it needs to be immediately obtained and started to use. Storage devices should be the first area of concern for enterprises, to see if they are fully utilized or not used at all, so enterprises can see where to improve their utility. If there is an outdated storage resource, it can be cleared.
4. evaluation of enterprise distributed data mart storage
This point is in line with the views mentioned above. Enterprises need to know where their distributed data mart (and storage) are and how to make full use of storage devices. If the utilization of storage devices is greatly reduced, then try to redistribute it to a larger demand area.
5. make edge storage strategy and Practice
The unique feature of edge storage is that most of the storage devices are in the use of robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning and automated manufacturing facilities. Edge storage enables enterprises to temporarily store data in collection points of local data centers, and then upload data when bandwidth becomes more available. This may be a batch night process.
Edge storage management may be a problem, because in many cases, local production engineers or factory workers who do not have knowledge background are required to manage. IT storage professionals need to monitor these storage devices, so that they can monitor the running status of the whole, and to determine which machine generated data stored and what data (such as communication between machines and related business, jitter) and decide whether it should be discarded.
6. policy for the formulation and implementation of data retention
Usually the enterprise reviews a user's data retention policy every few years, and these audits should be carried out once a year. Data preservation and user access rights should be reviewed annually, because the storage capacity of these two aspects is constantly changing. This measure also prompts users to determine which data they want and which data can be discarded.
The ultimate goal of all these big data storage objectives is to optimize the utilization and overhead of storage resources, regardless of whether the resources are deployed inside the data center or in the cloud.
Website design, how to make a web site quickly
Website design, whether personal or business, is inseparable from the Internet. Many traditional businesses have to choose the Internet passively and actively embrace the Internet. Indeed, the Internet has brought greater opportunities and challenges to enterprises. In the early days, many enterprises exploited the Internet with the help of the Internet, and at the lowest cost, they carried out brand publicity, word of mouth publicity, product publicity and so on. Website is a window for enterprises on the Internet. It is also a platform for companies to better demonstrate their strength and brand publicity, so that more potential users can learn better companies and achieve cooperation opportunities. But how can an enterprise make a web site quickly and have its own website?
First, website structure design
This requires that we never forget the original intention of building the website, what the website we built is to do. The website should show the appearance and function of its own unique products in a professional way, which conforms to the aesthetic requirements of the customer group. And there is a sense of art as a bright spot to make a good impression on the user at the first time. In short, we must show the unique part of our products, and really sell our products, so that customers can't afford to leave your products at the first time.
Two. Technical content
The first thing to explain is that we do not encourage enterprises to increase technical content in their own websites. In fact, what is important is the extent to which the technology used to achieve the expected function, or what kind of technology the website wants to achieve, which is cost-effective. In our contacts with enterprises, we often encounter such a situation: the advanced technology is used in the website, of course, a lot of investment has been made, but in fact, the functions achieved can be realized through other ways, which is very low investment, but the enterprises do not understand them. We don't need to discuss the quality of design companies. What we want to point out is that enterprises must know more about information and make more comparisons in their website construction. Meanwhile, we should carefully review their website design. This design center to remind you that the website construction is not a simple task, how to stand in the perspective of business planning, build a practical website, input and website function matching technology, and you need to design company or professionals to explore.
Three. The practicability of the website
Practicality is the foundation of the website, if the basic practicality of a website has problems, such a website must not go long. The success of the website is to allow users to search, browse, trust, and eventually transform into your customers, into the actual banknotes. Therefore, it is self-evident practical important site, where we are in building site early must think the value of the site, which is for the customers, what kind of website is what they need, these problems are to be considered, it will embody your days after the site is valuable.
Four. Trust relationship
To their customers and to establish a relationship of trust, let them fully trust you, in fact, is nothing more than words, we all know that the text is the indispensable content of any website, the website wants to promote the visitors into customers, to provide useful information for these potential customers, let them trust you with the information. At this point, the text will be a good choice, and it will also be a guarantee for customers to trust you.
Five, the stability of the website
When your clients fully understand your site, and you want to trust you, there is a substantial transaction, if your site suddenly can't open, or open speed suddenly become very slow, so for a long time did not open, at this time, I'm afraid. Customers will like this and you lost so, it is really a pity. Therefore, we must choose a good space at the beginning of the construction of the website, and the stability of the website is very important.
Six. Content update
The website is not updated for a long time. If a web site comes online and updates a month, the user will not be interested in browsing such a site. Although there is a certain cost for updating and maintaining website content, we cannot give up content updating for this reason, so we lose the significance of building website. If you can't do it every day, you can update it in a few days or update it on the home page to make the website live.
Seven. Sell the website
When everything is built on the website, the website should be fully marketed. Of course, the way to promote the website is a variety of, among which search engine promotion should be the most important, many websites are using it to do propaganda. In my view, no matter what kind of way you use to promote, as long as we achieve the purpose of selling the website, we can make more customers find you and see your website's information. That's enough.
First, website structure design
This requires that we never forget the original intention of building the website, what the website we built is to do. The website should show the appearance and function of its own unique products in a professional way, which conforms to the aesthetic requirements of the customer group. And there is a sense of art as a bright spot to make a good impression on the user at the first time. In short, we must show the unique part of our products, and really sell our products, so that customers can't afford to leave your products at the first time.
Two. Technical content
The first thing to explain is that we do not encourage enterprises to increase technical content in their own websites. In fact, what is important is the extent to which the technology used to achieve the expected function, or what kind of technology the website wants to achieve, which is cost-effective. In our contacts with enterprises, we often encounter such a situation: the advanced technology is used in the website, of course, a lot of investment has been made, but in fact, the functions achieved can be realized through other ways, which is very low investment, but the enterprises do not understand them. We don't need to discuss the quality of design companies. What we want to point out is that enterprises must know more about information and make more comparisons in their website construction. Meanwhile, we should carefully review their website design. This design center to remind you that the website construction is not a simple task, how to stand in the perspective of business planning, build a practical website, input and website function matching technology, and you need to design company or professionals to explore.
Three. The practicability of the website
Practicality is the foundation of the website, if the basic practicality of a website has problems, such a website must not go long. The success of the website is to allow users to search, browse, trust, and eventually transform into your customers, into the actual banknotes. Therefore, it is self-evident practical important site, where we are in building site early must think the value of the site, which is for the customers, what kind of website is what they need, these problems are to be considered, it will embody your days after the site is valuable.
Four. Trust relationship
To their customers and to establish a relationship of trust, let them fully trust you, in fact, is nothing more than words, we all know that the text is the indispensable content of any website, the website wants to promote the visitors into customers, to provide useful information for these potential customers, let them trust you with the information. At this point, the text will be a good choice, and it will also be a guarantee for customers to trust you.
Five, the stability of the website
When your clients fully understand your site, and you want to trust you, there is a substantial transaction, if your site suddenly can't open, or open speed suddenly become very slow, so for a long time did not open, at this time, I'm afraid. Customers will like this and you lost so, it is really a pity. Therefore, we must choose a good space at the beginning of the construction of the website, and the stability of the website is very important.
Six. Content update
The website is not updated for a long time. If a web site comes online and updates a month, the user will not be interested in browsing such a site. Although there is a certain cost for updating and maintaining website content, we cannot give up content updating for this reason, so we lose the significance of building website. If you can't do it every day, you can update it in a few days or update it on the home page to make the website live.
Seven. Sell the website
When everything is built on the website, the website should be fully marketed. Of course, the way to promote the website is a variety of, among which search engine promotion should be the most important, many websites are using it to do propaganda. In my view, no matter what kind of way you use to promote, as long as we achieve the purpose of selling the website, we can make more customers find you and see your website's information. That's enough.
2018年1月30日 星期二
Emergency processing of data center migration
Data center migration, human beings in the disaster of the commitment and pay, realized the transition to a higher degree of civilization, the data center infrastructure operation and maintenance is also the same.The fact that if, in the high risk society, with riots, flood, mine, major pollution event marked the disaster type of public emergency in all kinds of accidents the focus in recent years, is a major test for China's current political, social.Then, the occurrence of power failure, water suspension, fire, flood, etc., the continuous operation of the data center has also posed unprecedented challenges.
In this paper, based on industry best practices, operations on data center infrastructure of emergency response organization system, operation mechanism, emergency protection, supervision and management of the analyses, this paper discusses the purpose and significance of emergency treatment, emergency treatment are given relative term explanation, analyzes the basic principles of emergency treatment, emergency treatment system is studied and emergency handling supplies management advice, several typical scenes at the end of the paper in view of the data center, given the corresponding emergency treatment Suggestions, provide reference for the readers reference.
1. Purpose and significance of emergency treatment.
In order to ensure the continuous operation of the data center business, all kinds of data centers are equipped with redundant configuration of equipment and system in the hardware construction, so as to improve the business guarantee ability of data center.At the same time, however, statistics show that there are still a large number of data centers in the world that are not properly handled by the infrastructure operation, causing some or all of the business to go down.How to ensure the data center can achieve rules-based, after accidents have according to the can depend on, for all kinds of data centers must establish emergency response system, the purpose and significance to explore the following.
Data center infrastructure operations of the emergency response system to determine the scope and method of emergency rescue, the data center of emergency management is no longer there, nowhere, especially through training and drills, can make the data center emergency personnel familiar with his task and role positioning, have corresponding capacity needed to complete the assigned tasks, and test plan and execute a program, evaluation of emergency workers overall coordination.
Data center infrastructure construction of the emergency response operations, help in emergency comes to emergency response in time, reduce the accident consequences, emergency action is sensitive to time request, don't allow any delay, contingency plans in advance has been clear about the emergency parties responsibilities and response procedures, such as in the emergency resources for early preparation, can guide the rapid, efficient and orderly conduct of emergency rescue, the accident caused casualties and property losses, environmental damage and outage time to a minimum.
Data center infrastructure operations of the emergency response system is the basis of data centers of various kinds of accident emergency, through the preparation of emergency plans, can for those who are unable to anticipate in advance of sudden accident basic emergency guidance effect, become the "bottom line" of emergency rescue, on this basis, can be compiled for a particular accident category special contingency plans, and targeted contingency plans, special emergency plan preparation and drills.
Data center infrastructure operations of the emergency response system, established with the unit and the department of emergency rescue system cohesion, through the preparation of emergency plans, to ensure that when the major accident happened more than the corresponding emergency ability, contact about emergency organization and coordination.
Data center infrastructure operations of the emergency response system, to improve risk prevention consciousness, emergency plan compilation, review, publishing, publicity, practice, education and training, and beneficial to all parties understand the face of major accidents and the corresponding emergency measures, is helpful to improve the risk prevention consciousness and ability.
2. Small emergency treatment.
Emergency: emergency is a condition that requires immediate action (beyond the scope of the general working procedure) to avoid accidents or mitigate the consequences of an accident.
Preplan: operational plan for crisis management.
Emergency information security: when the data center facilities are damaged, degraded, abnormal or perform important information security tasks, the information service capability can be guaranteed by emergency means.
Data center security contingency plans: for data center services security work and the operating plan ahead of time, rules for units at all levels to deal with the various or important emergency work principles, organization, emergency response and other general content, suitable for all kinds of paroxysmal or important events.
Major hazards: refers to the data center and around in the park and the long-term or temporary production, handling, use or storage of dangerous articles, data and dangerous goods equals or exceeds the critical quantity, major hazards is always key object data center operation regulation.
Grading response: in the event of a sudden or important event, the emergency response shall be divided according to the national emergency plan standard according to the principle of classification and quick response.
3. Basic principles of emergency treatment.
The following principles should be followed in the data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency treatment:
The data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency treatment shall comply with the relevant national laws and regulations and abide by the administrative laws and regulations in the area where the data center is located.
The data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency management should take the responsibility of social responsibility and ensure the safety and unimpeded access of information services related to people's livelihood.
The data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency treatment should be unified leadership, hierarchical command, make full use of available resources, and highlight the key points.
The information release of the data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency management should be timely, accurate, objective and comprehensive, and should be proactive, accurate, and avoid the information disclosure of speculation and distortion.
In this paper, based on industry best practices, operations on data center infrastructure of emergency response organization system, operation mechanism, emergency protection, supervision and management of the analyses, this paper discusses the purpose and significance of emergency treatment, emergency treatment are given relative term explanation, analyzes the basic principles of emergency treatment, emergency treatment system is studied and emergency handling supplies management advice, several typical scenes at the end of the paper in view of the data center, given the corresponding emergency treatment Suggestions, provide reference for the readers reference.
1. Purpose and significance of emergency treatment.
In order to ensure the continuous operation of the data center business, all kinds of data centers are equipped with redundant configuration of equipment and system in the hardware construction, so as to improve the business guarantee ability of data center.At the same time, however, statistics show that there are still a large number of data centers in the world that are not properly handled by the infrastructure operation, causing some or all of the business to go down.How to ensure the data center can achieve rules-based, after accidents have according to the can depend on, for all kinds of data centers must establish emergency response system, the purpose and significance to explore the following.
Data center infrastructure operations of the emergency response system to determine the scope and method of emergency rescue, the data center of emergency management is no longer there, nowhere, especially through training and drills, can make the data center emergency personnel familiar with his task and role positioning, have corresponding capacity needed to complete the assigned tasks, and test plan and execute a program, evaluation of emergency workers overall coordination.
Data center infrastructure construction of the emergency response operations, help in emergency comes to emergency response in time, reduce the accident consequences, emergency action is sensitive to time request, don't allow any delay, contingency plans in advance has been clear about the emergency parties responsibilities and response procedures, such as in the emergency resources for early preparation, can guide the rapid, efficient and orderly conduct of emergency rescue, the accident caused casualties and property losses, environmental damage and outage time to a minimum.
Data center infrastructure operations of the emergency response system is the basis of data centers of various kinds of accident emergency, through the preparation of emergency plans, can for those who are unable to anticipate in advance of sudden accident basic emergency guidance effect, become the "bottom line" of emergency rescue, on this basis, can be compiled for a particular accident category special contingency plans, and targeted contingency plans, special emergency plan preparation and drills.
Data center infrastructure operations of the emergency response system, established with the unit and the department of emergency rescue system cohesion, through the preparation of emergency plans, to ensure that when the major accident happened more than the corresponding emergency ability, contact about emergency organization and coordination.
Data center infrastructure operations of the emergency response system, to improve risk prevention consciousness, emergency plan compilation, review, publishing, publicity, practice, education and training, and beneficial to all parties understand the face of major accidents and the corresponding emergency measures, is helpful to improve the risk prevention consciousness and ability.
2. Small emergency treatment.
Emergency: emergency is a condition that requires immediate action (beyond the scope of the general working procedure) to avoid accidents or mitigate the consequences of an accident.
Preplan: operational plan for crisis management.
Emergency information security: when the data center facilities are damaged, degraded, abnormal or perform important information security tasks, the information service capability can be guaranteed by emergency means.
Data center security contingency plans: for data center services security work and the operating plan ahead of time, rules for units at all levels to deal with the various or important emergency work principles, organization, emergency response and other general content, suitable for all kinds of paroxysmal or important events.
Major hazards: refers to the data center and around in the park and the long-term or temporary production, handling, use or storage of dangerous articles, data and dangerous goods equals or exceeds the critical quantity, major hazards is always key object data center operation regulation.
Grading response: in the event of a sudden or important event, the emergency response shall be divided according to the national emergency plan standard according to the principle of classification and quick response.
3. Basic principles of emergency treatment.
The following principles should be followed in the data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency treatment:
The data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency treatment shall comply with the relevant national laws and regulations and abide by the administrative laws and regulations in the area where the data center is located.
The data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency management should take the responsibility of social responsibility and ensure the safety and unimpeded access of information services related to people's livelihood.
The data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency treatment should be unified leadership, hierarchical command, make full use of available resources, and highlight the key points.
The information release of the data center infrastructure operation and maintenance emergency management should be timely, accurate, objective and comprehensive, and should be proactive, accurate, and avoid the information disclosure of speculation and distortion.
How can Website design be optimized for SEO programs?
Website design, every day mobile Internet users are showing explosive growth, site not only can bring huge traffic for the enterprise, but also enhance the brand awareness. But the premise is that the site needs a good rankings. So the establishment and SEO optimization is the same. Website is put forward to users, and also to search engine. From website construction, operation should be through its optimization idea. A business station needs to be planned ahead of time, from preparation to development to optimal operation. The process and results without planning are scattered, and the ultimate efficiency is low. So how can we improve the speed of the operation of the website, how can the SEO program be optimized in the process of building the station?
First, space choice
Space is the house of our website, which is also called the server. The quality and stability of the server directly affect the foundation of the website. So security, stability, is the root of the website.
Second. Use CDN to accelerate
Don't think you enter a web site to jump directly to the site so simple in the browser, in fact after you enter the website, their process is the result of local access to the application server, DNS server receives the data, four steps to return the data, while CDN is accelerating, content distribution network. The basic idea is to avoid the bottlenecks and links that may affect data transmission speed and stability on the Internet as far as possible, so that the content transmission is faster and more stable. Simple description, we often hear the word node, similar to you in the capital, access to a real server address site in Shanghai, the normal site request to go to Shanghai, and then return the data, if there is CDN, request directly in Beijing and returns the node data, directly saved thousands of kilometres, greatly improve the access speed.
Third. Optimization of website program
The optimization of the website program can be divided into three steps, and the specific methods are as follows:
1, open GZIP compression.
To do this, the host of the web site is very important, and we should try to choose a good host as far as possible. If it is to build a self-help Station, we will try to choose a platform which is more professional and more talented. The general host supports the GZip compression function. We need to make good use of the host to provide our function, open compression can improve the site access speed, you can search the reference documentation for specific steps of steps to complete (expected 10 minutes), remember to check whether successfully opened after the completion of compression in the webmaster tools.
2. Using caching technology
This is mainly for WordPress users and other non static CMS, and you can ignore this item if you build yourself by self-help. This item is mainly aimed at WordPress and its use of caching technology to greatly improve the efficiency of page acceleration.
3, reduce the bloated code
Just like people need to lose weight, our website program is too bloated and unhealthy, which is not appreciated by search engines. For program templates, we should reduce the number of calls to JS, reduce the number of CSS, delete the irrelevant HTML code, and reduce the number of pictures. If you don't know it doesn't matter, you can see if there is a word "doing a good SEO optimization" when you choose the template.
First, space choice
Space is the house of our website, which is also called the server. The quality and stability of the server directly affect the foundation of the website. So security, stability, is the root of the website.
Second. Use CDN to accelerate
Don't think you enter a web site to jump directly to the site so simple in the browser, in fact after you enter the website, their process is the result of local access to the application server, DNS server receives the data, four steps to return the data, while CDN is accelerating, content distribution network. The basic idea is to avoid the bottlenecks and links that may affect data transmission speed and stability on the Internet as far as possible, so that the content transmission is faster and more stable. Simple description, we often hear the word node, similar to you in the capital, access to a real server address site in Shanghai, the normal site request to go to Shanghai, and then return the data, if there is CDN, request directly in Beijing and returns the node data, directly saved thousands of kilometres, greatly improve the access speed.
Third. Optimization of website program
The optimization of the website program can be divided into three steps, and the specific methods are as follows:
1, open GZIP compression.
To do this, the host of the web site is very important, and we should try to choose a good host as far as possible. If it is to build a self-help Station, we will try to choose a platform which is more professional and more talented. The general host supports the GZip compression function. We need to make good use of the host to provide our function, open compression can improve the site access speed, you can search the reference documentation for specific steps of steps to complete (expected 10 minutes), remember to check whether successfully opened after the completion of compression in the webmaster tools.
2. Using caching technology
This is mainly for WordPress users and other non static CMS, and you can ignore this item if you build yourself by self-help. This item is mainly aimed at WordPress and its use of caching technology to greatly improve the efficiency of page acceleration.
3, reduce the bloated code
Just like people need to lose weight, our website program is too bloated and unhealthy, which is not appreciated by search engines. For program templates, we should reduce the number of calls to JS, reduce the number of CSS, delete the irrelevant HTML code, and reduce the number of pictures. If you don't know it doesn't matter, you can see if there is a word "doing a good SEO optimization" when you choose the template.
2018年1月29日 星期一
固態硬盤(SSD)是一種前瞻性的服務器本地磁盤升級。固態硬盤極大地提高磁盤I / O和擁有更低的延遲。固態硬盤可以加速性能,如果一個服務器的工作負載主要依靠磁盤緩存,並不需要更換所有的磁盤,更好的做法是添加一些SSD在服務器的本地存儲以消除性能瓶頸。
升級並不需要一次性換下所有老化的線纜,因爲以太網布線是完全向後兼容的。在時間和金錢等條件的制約下,相對小量的更換可以換來更高的效率。在服務器上,10GigE網絡在未來都將仍是主流,所以我們要把重點放在骨幹網絡上,特別是以太網以太網的iSCSI和光纖通道存儲。例如,CAT 6電纜可以在55米距離支持10GigE的以太網,而CAT 6A和CAT 7電纜可以支持到100米,而這些升級並不需要新的網絡適配器,交換機或其他部件。
虛擬化平臺底層的更新,例如當虛擬機遷移到VMware vSphere 6可能會因爲測試而延遲。這時需要檢查硬件和軟件虛擬化服務器,以驗證他們是否支持新的需求,並完成測試環境的測試,這樣才能無縫遷移到生產環境。另一種簡單的方法是更新虛擬機服務器的VMware工具至當前的ESXi版本。
還有一些其他的安全增強功能:檢查並修復文件權限,重置Active Directory老用戶或不準確的記錄等。這些動作對正在運行的服務構成的風險很小。
固態硬盤(SSD)是一種前瞻性的服務器本地磁盤升級。固態硬盤極大地提高磁盤I / O和擁有更低的延遲。固態硬盤可以加速性能,如果一個服務器的工作負載主要依靠磁盤緩存,並不需要更換所有的磁盤,更好的做法是添加一些SSD在服務器的本地存儲以消除性能瓶頸。
升級並不需要一次性換下所有老化的線纜,因爲以太網布線是完全向後兼容的。在時間和金錢等條件的制約下,相對小量的更換可以換來更高的效率。在服務器上,10GigE網絡在未來都將仍是主流,所以我們要把重點放在骨幹網絡上,特別是以太網以太網的iSCSI和光纖通道存儲。例如,CAT 6電纜可以在55米距離支持10GigE的以太網,而CAT 6A和CAT 7電纜可以支持到100米,而這些升級並不需要新的網絡適配器,交換機或其他部件。
虛擬化平臺底層的更新,例如當虛擬機遷移到VMware vSphere 6可能會因爲測試而延遲。這時需要檢查硬件和軟件虛擬化服務器,以驗證他們是否支持新的需求,並完成測試環境的測試,這樣才能無縫遷移到生產環境。另一種簡單的方法是更新虛擬機服務器的VMware工具至當前的ESXi版本。
還有一些其他的安全增強功能:檢查並修復文件權限,重置Active Directory老用戶或不準確的記錄等。這些動作對正在運行的服務構成的風險很小。
Data center migration and problems to be considered in scale construction
Data center migration, before the data center is designed, we must consider the size of the data center. The size of the construction scale of the data center is closely related to the current investment costs and the future operation and maintenance costs.
The following questions should be taken into account to determine the scale of the construction of the data center:
1., the current business needs and expansion needs in the future period. According to the operation experience of most enterprises, at least, the data center has to be expanded in the next five years.
2. the economic scale of the enterprise is fully considered, that is, whether the project input and the expected output ratio are in the optimal state, and whether the use of resources and funds is efficient. We can adopt the first time basic construction and the strategy of step by step in the later period.
3., determine the feasibility of the proposed scale, and focus on whether the resource condition meets the requirements of the proposed scale, including site space, energy supply and project funding status.
4. give full consideration to the current situation, development trend and industry characteristics of the industry in which the enterprise is located.
5. on the premise of maintaining the availability and reliability of the project, the effective utilization of the original equipment and facilities should be fully considered.
After taking the above factors into consideration, the number of the frame of the future data center is estimated at first, and the area demand of the machine room is preliminarily determined. At the same time, according to the power density and redundancy level of the future data center, we can make reasonable prediction for the distribution facilities and the area of the air conditioning that it needs to provide, and finally we can determine the scale of the data center.
The following questions should be taken into account to determine the scale of the construction of the data center:
1., the current business needs and expansion needs in the future period. According to the operation experience of most enterprises, at least, the data center has to be expanded in the next five years.
2. the economic scale of the enterprise is fully considered, that is, whether the project input and the expected output ratio are in the optimal state, and whether the use of resources and funds is efficient. We can adopt the first time basic construction and the strategy of step by step in the later period.
3., determine the feasibility of the proposed scale, and focus on whether the resource condition meets the requirements of the proposed scale, including site space, energy supply and project funding status.
4. give full consideration to the current situation, development trend and industry characteristics of the industry in which the enterprise is located.
5. on the premise of maintaining the availability and reliability of the project, the effective utilization of the original equipment and facilities should be fully considered.
After taking the above factors into consideration, the number of the frame of the future data center is estimated at first, and the area demand of the machine room is preliminarily determined. At the same time, according to the power density and redundancy level of the future data center, we can make reasonable prediction for the distribution facilities and the area of the air conditioning that it needs to provide, and finally we can determine the scale of the data center.
How to write an effective website design scheme
Writing website design advice is boring.No doubt, but they are necessary evil.Before the final blow, our client is showing signs of the dotted line.We need to make sure that all of our bases cover, our projects, as usual, a professional image.
Do you plan to use the word to create your site's recommendations, type a software name, or use an online service to help you, and, importantly, you know what you're doing.
Your company information
This is for your company.Include your contact information in a concise, low-key manner.This can be placed on the footer if you like, but I also suggest you put it all on the front page.Make sure your proposal is made up of a specific person, with a name.The proposal for "marketing" is more of a proposal than a proposal.
Project overview: research clients.
Your customers' hopes and dreams.What do your customers expect from this site, and what are their goals and objectives?Here, we let the client know we understand what they need and where they want to go.This is a short paragraph setting scene.
Customer's problem
Usually a client comes to you with a problem.Whether the problem is a lack of a website, or their landing page is 90% jump.We need to identify their problems and solve them.Here we list all the problems our customers are facing.Explain to them that they can find your killer to solve the following list.Short and sweet.
The design of the website is out of date.
The contact form is no longer valid.
The gallery is impractical to use and update.
The website is designed with tables and no CMS.
The home page's bounce rate is 90%.
And so on.
Project solution: study your solution.
All of the above negative emotions must be counterbalanced with a blinding enthusiasm and a clear solution.For example, our customers have a very old website which is an urgent need for reform...So said.
Mackintosh's clothing requires a redesign of their website.6 years old, it looks like an old school, not a good one.It needs some modern, young market...
Try a different approach.The 6-year-old website causes many problems and should be solved separately.What clothes will be redesigned for the Macintosh?Formal aesthetics, why do they update their website?Try:
The Macintosh clothes were the discovery of technology through them, and search engines.The website is no longer suitable for modern browsers today.The Macintosh clothing website was built using a table.This creates problems, search engines, and update a difficult task.Any updated system can be a long, expensive thing.Google reads the order of the web site to write HTML, so the table causes...
You can, you should spend several paragraphs summarizing your solution.It's a pain but we can't empty it.This is our previous customer research payoff.Don't forget, all this information from our project plan is not just to let us be serious.
Other considerations
Sometimes there are things that don't have to be required but they're good to mention anyway.You can even make an extra sale!For example, if you provide hosting, it's time to be polite.If you offer logo design, it's time to be polite.It's up to you, if you want to discuss pricing, or save it until the final cost estimate.
All of my clients provide maintenance plans, some need it, some don't.I let them know including and let them know that they could find my advice when the price was over.
Development schedule
How long will it take?There are a lot of consideration: research, wireframes, site map design, preliminary design, design modification, design approval, coding, CMS and configuration, testing and commissioning, customer tests, Settings, our life!
It's up to you.Some use graphics, text, but it's easy to read, don't forget to inform the client, all the time approximations.Tango is a dance between two people, and it's impossible to deliver on time if your client doesn't perform.Make sure you have this agreement/contract.
Cost estimate
Ideally, this should be in a table format for easy scanning.Clients can see each cost without digging.Let them know why they pay $3.000 and tell them what is involved.It is also convenient to add any common items, no requirements...Just put it in the box.
Customers should know that if they decide to ask for extra and then spend their x, we need to specify our pricing structure.There can be no misunderstanding.
This is also a good thing, including your pricing schedule.Most designers use a system milestone.I usually ask for 30% of the signing agreement, after preliminary design approval of another 30%, the remaining 40% will be handed over to the client.Some people ask for 50%.Feel comfortable with what.Make sure you get your savings.Any customer who refuses to pay for your service is not worth using.You can almost guarantee the problem.
You can use a graphics, illustration, or plain text to let your customers know about your payment schedule.Make sure they know how you work.After all, it's not like going to the store until you pay the product.As designers, we spend a lot of time in our projects, there are always risks, and some people will decide not to pay on time.Get it in advance and let it write.
Conditions and contracts
You call the shots here.State that you expect from your customers that they can expect from you.Until recently including your work agreement (contract) proposal.If the customer is satisfied with everything, they can sign and complete the transfer one day, and you can start.Before, I'm going to send a proposal, wait, and then get the work agreement.In this way, I save time and a stone to kill two birds.
Writing a contract for another article can be a bit painful, but it's your only backup, so make sure you're airtight.
What's next?
Make sure your client knows what happens next.What should they do if they agree to the proposal?Do they need to sign a print and email back to you, or just respond to an email?Let them know.Don't let them guess.
Finally, I suggest that even spell check your advice.Find someone to read it.It's very rare, if it doesn't slip through the network.
How do you create your advice? What do you have?Everyone has his or her own preferred method.If you have any thoughts directly below the comments or comments.
Do you plan to use the word to create your site's recommendations, type a software name, or use an online service to help you, and, importantly, you know what you're doing.
Your company information
This is for your company.Include your contact information in a concise, low-key manner.This can be placed on the footer if you like, but I also suggest you put it all on the front page.Make sure your proposal is made up of a specific person, with a name.The proposal for "marketing" is more of a proposal than a proposal.
Project overview: research clients.
Your customers' hopes and dreams.What do your customers expect from this site, and what are their goals and objectives?Here, we let the client know we understand what they need and where they want to go.This is a short paragraph setting scene.
Customer's problem
Usually a client comes to you with a problem.Whether the problem is a lack of a website, or their landing page is 90% jump.We need to identify their problems and solve them.Here we list all the problems our customers are facing.Explain to them that they can find your killer to solve the following list.Short and sweet.
The design of the website is out of date.
The contact form is no longer valid.
The gallery is impractical to use and update.
The website is designed with tables and no CMS.
The home page's bounce rate is 90%.
And so on.
Project solution: study your solution.
All of the above negative emotions must be counterbalanced with a blinding enthusiasm and a clear solution.For example, our customers have a very old website which is an urgent need for reform...So said.
Mackintosh's clothing requires a redesign of their website.6 years old, it looks like an old school, not a good one.It needs some modern, young market...
Try a different approach.The 6-year-old website causes many problems and should be solved separately.What clothes will be redesigned for the Macintosh?Formal aesthetics, why do they update their website?Try:
The Macintosh clothes were the discovery of technology through them, and search engines.The website is no longer suitable for modern browsers today.The Macintosh clothing website was built using a table.This creates problems, search engines, and update a difficult task.Any updated system can be a long, expensive thing.Google reads the order of the web site to write HTML, so the table causes...
You can, you should spend several paragraphs summarizing your solution.It's a pain but we can't empty it.This is our previous customer research payoff.Don't forget, all this information from our project plan is not just to let us be serious.
Other considerations
Sometimes there are things that don't have to be required but they're good to mention anyway.You can even make an extra sale!For example, if you provide hosting, it's time to be polite.If you offer logo design, it's time to be polite.It's up to you, if you want to discuss pricing, or save it until the final cost estimate.
All of my clients provide maintenance plans, some need it, some don't.I let them know including and let them know that they could find my advice when the price was over.
Development schedule
How long will it take?There are a lot of consideration: research, wireframes, site map design, preliminary design, design modification, design approval, coding, CMS and configuration, testing and commissioning, customer tests, Settings, our life!
It's up to you.Some use graphics, text, but it's easy to read, don't forget to inform the client, all the time approximations.Tango is a dance between two people, and it's impossible to deliver on time if your client doesn't perform.Make sure you have this agreement/contract.
Cost estimate
Ideally, this should be in a table format for easy scanning.Clients can see each cost without digging.Let them know why they pay $3.000 and tell them what is involved.It is also convenient to add any common items, no requirements...Just put it in the box.
Customers should know that if they decide to ask for extra and then spend their x, we need to specify our pricing structure.There can be no misunderstanding.
This is also a good thing, including your pricing schedule.Most designers use a system milestone.I usually ask for 30% of the signing agreement, after preliminary design approval of another 30%, the remaining 40% will be handed over to the client.Some people ask for 50%.Feel comfortable with what.Make sure you get your savings.Any customer who refuses to pay for your service is not worth using.You can almost guarantee the problem.
You can use a graphics, illustration, or plain text to let your customers know about your payment schedule.Make sure they know how you work.After all, it's not like going to the store until you pay the product.As designers, we spend a lot of time in our projects, there are always risks, and some people will decide not to pay on time.Get it in advance and let it write.
Conditions and contracts
You call the shots here.State that you expect from your customers that they can expect from you.Until recently including your work agreement (contract) proposal.If the customer is satisfied with everything, they can sign and complete the transfer one day, and you can start.Before, I'm going to send a proposal, wait, and then get the work agreement.In this way, I save time and a stone to kill two birds.
Writing a contract for another article can be a bit painful, but it's your only backup, so make sure you're airtight.
What's next?
Make sure your client knows what happens next.What should they do if they agree to the proposal?Do they need to sign a print and email back to you, or just respond to an email?Let them know.Don't let them guess.
Finally, I suggest that even spell check your advice.Find someone to read it.It's very rare, if it doesn't slip through the network.
How do you create your advice? What do you have?Everyone has his or her own preferred method.If you have any thoughts directly below the comments or comments.
2018年1月28日 星期日
物聯網帶給網絡的挑戰帶來了數據中心架構的變化。而用戶另一個最感興趣的話題是5G,數據中心服務大量用戶時 (如自動駕駛汽車,智能冰箱等) 將面臨巨大挑戰 (網絡的容量和延遲變得更加重要)。數據中心將如何針對支持物聯網和重要應用的5G網絡進行優化?
數據中心需要優化網絡來滿足物聯網應用程序的需求。在物聯網應用繁忙區域周圍建立數據中心將有助於加快數據的傳輸,但受現實中各種條件的限制,這種方案很多時候難以實現。5G標準規定了無線接入網的時延將降低10 倍,來滿足關鍵應用的需要,這增加了數據中心在數據處理時對於時間的壓力。因此提高數據中心的計算速度不僅需要更快的交換機和更多的處理器,同時也需要支持更高的網絡傳輸速率,如40、100和400G,網絡速率的提升需要優化光纖佈線連接方案。
位於西澳大利亞坎寧谷內Pier DC是澳大利亞數據中心市場的新星,也是澳大利亞唯一Tier III的認證的數據中心,擁有強大的客戶資源。新數據中心需要網絡基礎設施實現與業務共同增長。在高速的基礎上,爲終端用戶提供可靠的連接。Pier DC採用了基於8芯的光纖解決方案,可實現長距離的數據傳輸速率,無縫升級至40、100和/或400G,Pier DC這種爲未來而準備的基礎設施支持了公司成長的需要。
物聯網帶給網絡的挑戰帶來了數據中心架構的變化。而用戶另一個最感興趣的話題是5G,數據中心服務大量用戶時 (如自動駕駛汽車,智能冰箱等) 將面臨巨大挑戰 (網絡的容量和延遲變得更加重要)。數據中心將如何針對支持物聯網和重要應用的5G網絡進行優化?
數據中心需要優化網絡來滿足物聯網應用程序的需求。在物聯網應用繁忙區域周圍建立數據中心將有助於加快數據的傳輸,但受現實中各種條件的限制,這種方案很多時候難以實現。5G標準規定了無線接入網的時延將降低10 倍,來滿足關鍵應用的需要,這增加了數據中心在數據處理時對於時間的壓力。因此提高數據中心的計算速度不僅需要更快的交換機和更多的處理器,同時也需要支持更高的網絡傳輸速率,如40、100和400G,網絡速率的提升需要優化光纖佈線連接方案。
位於西澳大利亞坎寧谷內Pier DC是澳大利亞數據中心市場的新星,也是澳大利亞唯一Tier III的認證的數據中心,擁有強大的客戶資源。新數據中心需要網絡基礎設施實現與業務共同增長。在高速的基礎上,爲終端用戶提供可靠的連接。Pier DC採用了基於8芯的光纖解決方案,可實現長距離的數據傳輸速率,無縫升級至40、100和/或400G,Pier DC這種爲未來而準備的基礎設施支持了公司成長的需要。
Data center migration, the important factor of enterprise selection
Data center migration,Choosing the right data center is one of the important decisions of the enterprise. A suitable data center selection will have an extremely significant impact on the operation of the business. U intelligence fully understands the relevant knowledge involved, and collate the following five considerations. It is believed that it can help a company to choose data center wisely.
1 reliability factors
The cost of loss in the event of an outage in a planned data center will be extremely painful. Then even a only minute interruption will make a big problem.
Therefore, Tier IV level data center is the most powerful choice, compared with Tiers I to III data center (Tier I data center is the simplest service for small business data center), Tier IV data center is also not prone to failure. If the enterprise wants to ensure 100% of the reliability and normal running time of all key resources, be sure to keep this point of view in mind when selecting the data center.
2 geographical location factors
As we all know, geographical location is the key factor in the purchase of real estate and the choice of a new home. This element also applies to the property of the data center.
Data center facilities are also important because they can provide additional security and further protect your business and important data from human or natural disasters. So the location factor is particularly important.
3 extensibility
For an enterprise, a data center may now look good, but will it be able to fully meet the business needs of your company in the coming years? You certainly hope that the selected data center can grow together with enterprises and provide different levels of flexibility to meet changing needs -- from extra space to power and even network connection.
4 network connection
Some data center facilities may be restricted to only one or several network operators. So we suggest that your enterprise find a neutral data center for an operator, which allows your enterprise to visit many network operators around the world. The operator's neutral data center allows you to connect directly to a network provider that is most suitable for your business operation.
In addition, be sure to remember that having a large and diverse data center of submarine cable network can increase network connectivity for your business and provide more kinds of available services for network providers.
5 Security
The security and accessibility of data centers are also a major factor in considering the selection of data centers. If you can, consider a data center in which the local data protection legislation is available, so that the privacy protection of the data center is guaranteed.
1 reliability factors
The cost of loss in the event of an outage in a planned data center will be extremely painful. Then even a only minute interruption will make a big problem.
Therefore, Tier IV level data center is the most powerful choice, compared with Tiers I to III data center (Tier I data center is the simplest service for small business data center), Tier IV data center is also not prone to failure. If the enterprise wants to ensure 100% of the reliability and normal running time of all key resources, be sure to keep this point of view in mind when selecting the data center.
2 geographical location factors
As we all know, geographical location is the key factor in the purchase of real estate and the choice of a new home. This element also applies to the property of the data center.
Data center facilities are also important because they can provide additional security and further protect your business and important data from human or natural disasters. So the location factor is particularly important.
3 extensibility
For an enterprise, a data center may now look good, but will it be able to fully meet the business needs of your company in the coming years? You certainly hope that the selected data center can grow together with enterprises and provide different levels of flexibility to meet changing needs -- from extra space to power and even network connection.
4 network connection
Some data center facilities may be restricted to only one or several network operators. So we suggest that your enterprise find a neutral data center for an operator, which allows your enterprise to visit many network operators around the world. The operator's neutral data center allows you to connect directly to a network provider that is most suitable for your business operation.
In addition, be sure to remember that having a large and diverse data center of submarine cable network can increase network connectivity for your business and provide more kinds of available services for network providers.
5 Security
The security and accessibility of data centers are also a major factor in considering the selection of data centers. If you can, consider a data center in which the local data protection legislation is available, so that the privacy protection of the data center is guaranteed.
How to locate the website design accurately?
Many people in of the website design when the pursuit of gorgeous page effect and ignore the concept of site location. The site must make clear its own website positioning, to tell visitors the purpose of the site, what to do. Otherwise, the location is not allowed to make the user unidentified, and the enterprise can not generate revenue through the promotion and promotion of the website. In this paper, how to locate the website design accurately?
1. Analysis of the advantages of the peers
Before the construction of the website, in addition to the inspection of the market, it is also necessary for enterprises to analyze the advantages of their peers. You can search the web site according to their own set of keywords, understand its size and understand their advantages and gaps make a more comprehensive website. These are for you to make a preliminary preparation for the target audience.
Two, understanding the advantages of its own development
Of course, business web site is to promote promotion, site positioning is very clear. And personal web site must be based on the field that you are good at. Understanding some industries can allow you to make a web site that adapts to the needs of the user.
Three. The goal of the website development
The early site must target, no target site can be like without a sail boat as erratic. The initial goal of the construction station is the direction of the development of the website, the number of the target audience, and so on.
Four. Does your technology support the implementation of the web site
The level of technology will also affect the implementation of the web site, which includes technology and money. When you first build a website, you need to set a small goal first. If you want to start a large portal website at first, it is less feasible. If you are rich like Wang Sicong, you can't do that.
1. Analysis of the advantages of the peers
Before the construction of the website, in addition to the inspection of the market, it is also necessary for enterprises to analyze the advantages of their peers. You can search the web site according to their own set of keywords, understand its size and understand their advantages and gaps make a more comprehensive website. These are for you to make a preliminary preparation for the target audience.
Two, understanding the advantages of its own development
Of course, business web site is to promote promotion, site positioning is very clear. And personal web site must be based on the field that you are good at. Understanding some industries can allow you to make a web site that adapts to the needs of the user.
Three. The goal of the website development
The early site must target, no target site can be like without a sail boat as erratic. The initial goal of the construction station is the direction of the development of the website, the number of the target audience, and so on.
Four. Does your technology support the implementation of the web site
The level of technology will also affect the implementation of the web site, which includes technology and money. When you first build a website, you need to set a small goal first. If you want to start a large portal website at first, it is less feasible. If you are rich like Wang Sicong, you can't do that.
2018年1月25日 星期四
抗靜電塑膠地板是利用塑料粒子界面形成的防靜電網絡和配套的銅網接地,使體內防靜電和表面防靜電相結合,從而具有永久性防靜電功能。其規格一般爲寬1. 83m,長20m,厚度有2、2. 5、3、3.5mm可選。該產品花色品種較多,抗靜電指標也不同,系統電阻範圍爲105~108Ω。抗靜電塑膠地板用膠黏貼於地面,之間的縫隙用配套的特殊焊條焊接。不同顏色的抗靜電塑膠地板的拼接處理可取得較好的裝飾效果。
抗靜電塑膠地板是利用塑料粒子界面形成的防靜電網絡和配套的銅網接地,使體內防靜電和表面防靜電相結合,從而具有永久性防靜電功能。其規格一般爲寬1. 83m,長20m,厚度有2、2. 5、3、3.5mm可選。該產品花色品種較多,抗靜電指標也不同,系統電阻範圍爲105~108Ω。抗靜電塑膠地板用膠黏貼於地面,之間的縫隙用配套的特殊焊條焊接。不同顏色的抗靜電塑膠地板的拼接處理可取得較好的裝飾效果。
- 複雜系統的整合不佳
- 缺少完整徹底的驗證,或是壓縮了驗證週期
- 設計變更
- 材料或產品的替代
- 去掉並行的可維護性需要的閥門;
- 減少ATS數量;把設備整合到單一ATS上;
- 把熱泵和能量效率系統整合在一起,而不考慮並行的可維護性和容錯運營。
- 場驗
- 由第三方承擔的系統聯調和故障模擬的驗證
- 假負載以模擬關鍵環境的IT滿載
- 柴油燃料測試以驗證發電機系統;
1) 搭建一個有廣泛的數據中心經驗的設計、建造、項目管理團隊。
2) 第三方驗證確保數據中心業主達到設計目標
- 複雜系統的整合不佳
- 缺少完整徹底的驗證,或是壓縮了驗證週期
- 設計變更
- 材料或產品的替代
- 去掉並行的可維護性需要的閥門;
- 減少ATS數量;把設備整合到單一ATS上;
- 把熱泵和能量效率系統整合在一起,而不考慮並行的可維護性和容錯運營。
- 場驗
- 由第三方承擔的系統聯調和故障模擬的驗證
- 假負載以模擬關鍵環境的IT滿載
- 柴油燃料測試以驗證發電機系統;
1) 搭建一個有廣泛的數據中心經驗的設計、建造、項目管理團隊。
2) 第三方驗證確保數據中心業主達到設計目標
Key points for data center migration
Data center migration key business and server areas may be one of the most potentially disruptive changes to an organization's IT assets.Even if the migration itself goes well, the organization's chief information officer needs to quickly demonstrate measurable improvements to prove this difficult process.
Data center migration should not be intimidating.Of course, this is more difficult, and time is tight, heavy task, but if the organization is very care about the consequences of data center migration project, it is likely that this is not ready to, needs to continue to improve its planning.The old military adage also applies here: "plan and then move", and data center migration usually requires more time and resources than originally anticipated.
Using the smart migration approach for data center transformation ensures that the project succeeds in the first attempt.Here are four key points for the data center's successful migration:
Don't rely on your own guesswork.
One of the organization's worst mistakes is overestimating the knowledge of their IT infrastructure and its supporting technology applications and services.Worryingly, this is one of the most common mistakes.There is no doubt that the lack of new technology and employee turnover makes it difficult for organizations to retain data center expertise.
Although everyone has made the greatest effort in documentation and reporting, they need useful knowledge as staff retrain or leave.Even if the document does exist, it can be of poor quality and uneven quality.For example, the developer failed to record the policy changes and reindex after the new version of the application.This approach will lead to migration problems and lack of a single version of the truth data.
The answer here is careful planning.Take enough time to properly complete the initial mapping and discovery phase, as this will save time and long-term costs.
Don't exceed your abilities.
It is tempting to view the data center migration project as part of a larger upgrade process and to view and implement other major changes simultaneously.While it can theoretically save time and cost, in practice it increases the chance of project failure and crashes the rest.When you have multiple projects, consider implementing them in order and ensuring that you have enough time to migrate.
Also, a common mistake is to set unrealistic goals and complete schedules, and to proceed without knowing the impact of the time scale.This may start with a statement, such as "the data center lease expires in three months, so we must move to the new data center before it expires."This may not be a problem for a small company with only 10 to 50 servers, but for larger companies, it will take longer than three months.In addition, its complexity also affects the time scale.Balancing service delivery and migration deadlines can lead to significant conflicts when the same 10-50 servers are constrained by the flexible service level agreement (SLA) of the 24/7 income-generating data center.
Even with a sensible migration plan, it is important to provide enough manpower to ensure that deadlines are not missed and employees are not tired.Assuming that IT support and operators are both moving to the data center and continuing to perform their normal duties, this will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of both jobs.
Make sure you buy it widely.
From the beginning, managing user expectations needs to be part of the data center migration strategy.By ensuring early migration of affected business and IT communities.This will help to align the capabilities of the new data center with business requirements, smooth transitions during this period, and support measurable ROI.
The sheer technical complexity of the data center migration is almost uncontroversial.Advocacy organizations adopt the method of whole rather than isolated, this will help the organization to reach an agreement in action, and eliminate the opposition, as early as possible in order to prevent its slow the migration of or damage to the data center.The migration of data centers to completion requires decisive force to maintain this momentum.
4. Don't assume anything as usual (BAU).
Effective governance of daily data center activities is critical to providing timely, reliable and secure services.However, it has been found that even the best client and service provider business as usual (BAU) processes cannot handle the amount of speed or change required to support a data center migration.
The change management process on the client side and the service provider side is designed to restrict access to the data center, to move and stop activities.Usually, this kind of level 1 or level 2 change operation under the most strict change management control, such as multiple change the examination and approval committee, which before the transfer date will provide a lot of the time of delivery.
Data center migration cannot be seen as a large number of minor changes: migration, escalation, or cancellation.Instead, it must use pre-agreed-upon quantities of equipment and only plan, approve, and operate at a set time.This process must be approved at the senior business owner level to avoid all business as usual (BAU) change management process overloading or delay client and service change approval.
Similarly, the request management process is designed as business as usual (BAU) for providing new devices or accessing the system and dealing with major project requirements.Nonetheless, people have seen that data center migrations overwhelm the request management process and even make it stagnate.
The way to minimize this is to group the requests and make sure the permissions are well in advance.Then, when update relevant configuration management database, can be affected by the configuration of the project details as updates to the contract schedule management approval, rather than as a labor intensive personal request.
No matter how perfect the organization's planning, even the best data center migration strategy will face unprecedented complexity.To reduce risk, a pragmatic approach called smart migration is advocated here.This ensures a thorough initial foundation work and discovery, allowing the organization to remain flexible in the face of disruption and making quick informed decisions to overcome the difficulties of implementation.The chief information officer can then be sure that they will be able to meet the needs of the evolving business.
Data center migration should not be intimidating.Of course, this is more difficult, and time is tight, heavy task, but if the organization is very care about the consequences of data center migration project, it is likely that this is not ready to, needs to continue to improve its planning.The old military adage also applies here: "plan and then move", and data center migration usually requires more time and resources than originally anticipated.
Using the smart migration approach for data center transformation ensures that the project succeeds in the first attempt.Here are four key points for the data center's successful migration:
Don't rely on your own guesswork.
One of the organization's worst mistakes is overestimating the knowledge of their IT infrastructure and its supporting technology applications and services.Worryingly, this is one of the most common mistakes.There is no doubt that the lack of new technology and employee turnover makes it difficult for organizations to retain data center expertise.
Although everyone has made the greatest effort in documentation and reporting, they need useful knowledge as staff retrain or leave.Even if the document does exist, it can be of poor quality and uneven quality.For example, the developer failed to record the policy changes and reindex after the new version of the application.This approach will lead to migration problems and lack of a single version of the truth data.
The answer here is careful planning.Take enough time to properly complete the initial mapping and discovery phase, as this will save time and long-term costs.
Don't exceed your abilities.
It is tempting to view the data center migration project as part of a larger upgrade process and to view and implement other major changes simultaneously.While it can theoretically save time and cost, in practice it increases the chance of project failure and crashes the rest.When you have multiple projects, consider implementing them in order and ensuring that you have enough time to migrate.
Also, a common mistake is to set unrealistic goals and complete schedules, and to proceed without knowing the impact of the time scale.This may start with a statement, such as "the data center lease expires in three months, so we must move to the new data center before it expires."This may not be a problem for a small company with only 10 to 50 servers, but for larger companies, it will take longer than three months.In addition, its complexity also affects the time scale.Balancing service delivery and migration deadlines can lead to significant conflicts when the same 10-50 servers are constrained by the flexible service level agreement (SLA) of the 24/7 income-generating data center.
Even with a sensible migration plan, it is important to provide enough manpower to ensure that deadlines are not missed and employees are not tired.Assuming that IT support and operators are both moving to the data center and continuing to perform their normal duties, this will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of both jobs.
Make sure you buy it widely.
From the beginning, managing user expectations needs to be part of the data center migration strategy.By ensuring early migration of affected business and IT communities.This will help to align the capabilities of the new data center with business requirements, smooth transitions during this period, and support measurable ROI.
The sheer technical complexity of the data center migration is almost uncontroversial.Advocacy organizations adopt the method of whole rather than isolated, this will help the organization to reach an agreement in action, and eliminate the opposition, as early as possible in order to prevent its slow the migration of or damage to the data center.The migration of data centers to completion requires decisive force to maintain this momentum.
4. Don't assume anything as usual (BAU).
Effective governance of daily data center activities is critical to providing timely, reliable and secure services.However, it has been found that even the best client and service provider business as usual (BAU) processes cannot handle the amount of speed or change required to support a data center migration.
The change management process on the client side and the service provider side is designed to restrict access to the data center, to move and stop activities.Usually, this kind of level 1 or level 2 change operation under the most strict change management control, such as multiple change the examination and approval committee, which before the transfer date will provide a lot of the time of delivery.
Data center migration cannot be seen as a large number of minor changes: migration, escalation, or cancellation.Instead, it must use pre-agreed-upon quantities of equipment and only plan, approve, and operate at a set time.This process must be approved at the senior business owner level to avoid all business as usual (BAU) change management process overloading or delay client and service change approval.
Similarly, the request management process is designed as business as usual (BAU) for providing new devices or accessing the system and dealing with major project requirements.Nonetheless, people have seen that data center migrations overwhelm the request management process and even make it stagnate.
The way to minimize this is to group the requests and make sure the permissions are well in advance.Then, when update relevant configuration management database, can be affected by the configuration of the project details as updates to the contract schedule management approval, rather than as a labor intensive personal request.
No matter how perfect the organization's planning, even the best data center migration strategy will face unprecedented complexity.To reduce risk, a pragmatic approach called smart migration is advocated here.This ensures a thorough initial foundation work and discovery, allowing the organization to remain flexible in the face of disruption and making quick informed decisions to overcome the difficulties of implementation.The chief information officer can then be sure that they will be able to meet the needs of the evolving business.
The most common failure cases in Website Design
It is not easy to create a pleasing and high conversion website design. Designers often find that they have some simple mistakes, but they do not pay attention to them. They do not know that these errors have a huge impact on the efficiency of the website. Here are 8 of the most common and most enduring "design failures, web designers hope to learn a lesson, do not make the same mistake again.
1. The question of readability
Text itself is an important part of design, and is often missed. Font size, background and typesetting are all important factors to ensure legibility. In order to improve readability, try different color schemes and use serif fonts, perhaps a perfect web page can be obtained.
2, disorderly layout
The content of your website requires a clear structure, with headlines, subtitles, points, and paragraphs helping to organize your content. Some designers forget it, but each page should have its title.
3, lack or difficulty in finding a search box
In the content - based web site, the search box must be available. However, most designers do not care about the design of the search box, or the fields that provide input are too short, and the typed text handwriting is not clear. An effective search box must be visible, easy to use, and provide enough space to type the search query.
4. Wrong screen resolution
Designing a strange screen resolution and forcing users to roll the web horizontally is a huge design error. Your design must be suitable for most screen sizes
5. No intuitive and clear navigation
In web design, navigation should be intuitive and consistent. One thing to remember: if the user still can't find what they are looking for at three clicks, they will probably simply give up your website.
6, the registration page is complex
Registry is a thorny problem. The rule of designing this page is fewer and better. Many websites have complicated registry forms, resulting in frequent failures of users when registering, which is a failed design. Unfortunately, some designers set most of the information to be mandatory, each field to verify that it becomes a annoying point. Never ask the user to fill in too much information. Otherwise, they will give up browsing your website.
7. Too much image
The images capture the eyeballs perfectly, but some designers have too much visual effects, and the chaos of the web page results, making it difficult to recognize and ultimately unattractive. The same applies to animation, a little animation may make the web more vivid, and a full page animation may have the effect of structures.
8. Background music
If users visit your site, they are looking for something specific, not a happy atmosphere. In particular, when designers use different musical works to decorate each page, the music will only annoy them.
Today, web design is all about usability and user experience. As a web designer, these designs should always be in your mind.
1. The question of readability
Text itself is an important part of design, and is often missed. Font size, background and typesetting are all important factors to ensure legibility. In order to improve readability, try different color schemes and use serif fonts, perhaps a perfect web page can be obtained.
2, disorderly layout
The content of your website requires a clear structure, with headlines, subtitles, points, and paragraphs helping to organize your content. Some designers forget it, but each page should have its title.
3, lack or difficulty in finding a search box
In the content - based web site, the search box must be available. However, most designers do not care about the design of the search box, or the fields that provide input are too short, and the typed text handwriting is not clear. An effective search box must be visible, easy to use, and provide enough space to type the search query.
4. Wrong screen resolution
Designing a strange screen resolution and forcing users to roll the web horizontally is a huge design error. Your design must be suitable for most screen sizes
5. No intuitive and clear navigation
In web design, navigation should be intuitive and consistent. One thing to remember: if the user still can't find what they are looking for at three clicks, they will probably simply give up your website.
6, the registration page is complex
Registry is a thorny problem. The rule of designing this page is fewer and better. Many websites have complicated registry forms, resulting in frequent failures of users when registering, which is a failed design. Unfortunately, some designers set most of the information to be mandatory, each field to verify that it becomes a annoying point. Never ask the user to fill in too much information. Otherwise, they will give up browsing your website.
7. Too much image
The images capture the eyeballs perfectly, but some designers have too much visual effects, and the chaos of the web page results, making it difficult to recognize and ultimately unattractive. The same applies to animation, a little animation may make the web more vivid, and a full page animation may have the effect of structures.
8. Background music
If users visit your site, they are looking for something specific, not a happy atmosphere. In particular, when designers use different musical works to decorate each page, the music will only annoy them.
Today, web design is all about usability and user experience. As a web designer, these designs should always be in your mind.
2018年1月24日 星期三
Data center migration, infrastructure operation and maintenance
Data center migration, operation and maintenance management is a very tedious and complex work, but at present, people who are engaged in this work still have some common knowledge and experience. The top priority of all companies is to recognize the importance of a sustainable operation plan. To achieve sustainable operation, companies must act immediately, evaluate their current operation plans, and start developing operational methodology that can avoid common mistakes.
First big mistake: exclude the data center site infrastructure operation team from the facility design process
Can the overall balance of the initial investment and operating costs and the needs of the company have cost (TCO) method, is the first step in creating the most effective, the most economical and efficient data center, including according to the specific situation of the company to determine the design standards of data center and determine its performance characteristics.
According to our experience, if the operation team is excluded from the data center site infrastructure design stage, the result often needs to rectify and maintain the infrastructure after data center delivery. For example, in the case of the following, we have to rectify a new data center.
Not designing enough branch circuits to lead to various maintenance operations.
The design and installation of the generator set is not reasonable, which leads to the difficulty of the simple maintenance work.
As a result of the defect in the building design, the air processing unit is unable to provide the required air flow for the data center.
These errors could have been avoided if the operation plan was taken into account during the design process. When you let the operator participate in the design phase, you will "make a good idea when you design". This is the essence of the TCO method.
Second big mistakes: too much reliance on the design of the data center
Many enterprises believe that it is extremely wrong to think that the design of high redundancy can reduce the input in the operation and maintenance plan. All kinds of research on the downtime in the data center are all the same: human error is the culprit. The correct operation, not the design, can not only maintain the normal operation of the facility, but also control the cost. It can protect the company's investment and protect the company's reputation. Many companies wrongly invest a lot of money in robust and redundant designs, but ignore the appropriate budget for operations.
For example, many enterprises perform the operation of key facilities to the property companies that specializes in maintaining office buildings, and these companies simply don't have the expertise to run or maintain critical facilities.
The typical office space facilities are operated on the basis of the idea that the system can be stopped for maintenance or maintenance. A short office building failure can only bring inconvenience to the internal staff, but if the data center has a serious downtime accident, it may jeopardize the company's mission. The only goal that companies should keep in mind when building data center infrastructure and organizing its operation team is to extend the normal running time to the maximum. The traditional device maintenance plan does not fully meet the following special functions and needs of the mission critical environment.
Performance - continuous operation is the requirement of the core business.
Availability - the normal running time of 100% does not allow any system shutdown to occur.
System complexity - redundant system, fault automatic transfer, emergency recovery program;
Responsibility system - process documentation, change control and audit records.
The key to meet the above needs is to lay the foundation for the operation of key facilities through a correct methodology.
In order to ensure that these key needs are met, the fully qualified data center site infrastructure operators should be identified at the beginning. Choosing the wrong staff or allowing the operator to come in later in the design will let you miss the opportunity to build an excellent data center.
Third major mistakes: improper staffing
Many companies estimate the configuration requirements of the operation and maintenance personnel of the data center site infrastructure based on the general building management standards. In a data center environment, if the need for staffing is underestimated, there will be a risk of being unattended in an emergency. The staffing should be based on the risk prediction and budget. The company should take into account the factors such as emergency response, equipment maintenance and supplier management, and set up a timetable to deploy personnel in the best way.
In the same way, it is essential to hire and retain the right talent. It is very challenging to recruit talented people with professional technical knowledge. Companies need to carefully identify future team members, not only to investigate their traditional background, but also to know whether they have qualified technical capabilities, management skills and communication skills. All these skills play a vital role in the operation of key facilities. However, it is only the first step to select only qualified operators.
First big mistake: exclude the data center site infrastructure operation team from the facility design process
Can the overall balance of the initial investment and operating costs and the needs of the company have cost (TCO) method, is the first step in creating the most effective, the most economical and efficient data center, including according to the specific situation of the company to determine the design standards of data center and determine its performance characteristics.
According to our experience, if the operation team is excluded from the data center site infrastructure design stage, the result often needs to rectify and maintain the infrastructure after data center delivery. For example, in the case of the following, we have to rectify a new data center.
Not designing enough branch circuits to lead to various maintenance operations.
The design and installation of the generator set is not reasonable, which leads to the difficulty of the simple maintenance work.
As a result of the defect in the building design, the air processing unit is unable to provide the required air flow for the data center.
These errors could have been avoided if the operation plan was taken into account during the design process. When you let the operator participate in the design phase, you will "make a good idea when you design". This is the essence of the TCO method.
Second big mistakes: too much reliance on the design of the data center
Many enterprises believe that it is extremely wrong to think that the design of high redundancy can reduce the input in the operation and maintenance plan. All kinds of research on the downtime in the data center are all the same: human error is the culprit. The correct operation, not the design, can not only maintain the normal operation of the facility, but also control the cost. It can protect the company's investment and protect the company's reputation. Many companies wrongly invest a lot of money in robust and redundant designs, but ignore the appropriate budget for operations.
For example, many enterprises perform the operation of key facilities to the property companies that specializes in maintaining office buildings, and these companies simply don't have the expertise to run or maintain critical facilities.
The typical office space facilities are operated on the basis of the idea that the system can be stopped for maintenance or maintenance. A short office building failure can only bring inconvenience to the internal staff, but if the data center has a serious downtime accident, it may jeopardize the company's mission. The only goal that companies should keep in mind when building data center infrastructure and organizing its operation team is to extend the normal running time to the maximum. The traditional device maintenance plan does not fully meet the following special functions and needs of the mission critical environment.
Performance - continuous operation is the requirement of the core business.
Availability - the normal running time of 100% does not allow any system shutdown to occur.
System complexity - redundant system, fault automatic transfer, emergency recovery program;
Responsibility system - process documentation, change control and audit records.
The key to meet the above needs is to lay the foundation for the operation of key facilities through a correct methodology.
In order to ensure that these key needs are met, the fully qualified data center site infrastructure operators should be identified at the beginning. Choosing the wrong staff or allowing the operator to come in later in the design will let you miss the opportunity to build an excellent data center.
Third major mistakes: improper staffing
Many companies estimate the configuration requirements of the operation and maintenance personnel of the data center site infrastructure based on the general building management standards. In a data center environment, if the need for staffing is underestimated, there will be a risk of being unattended in an emergency. The staffing should be based on the risk prediction and budget. The company should take into account the factors such as emergency response, equipment maintenance and supplier management, and set up a timetable to deploy personnel in the best way.
In the same way, it is essential to hire and retain the right talent. It is very challenging to recruit talented people with professional technical knowledge. Companies need to carefully identify future team members, not only to investigate their traditional background, but also to know whether they have qualified technical capabilities, management skills and communication skills. All these skills play a vital role in the operation of key facilities. However, it is only the first step to select only qualified operators.
How to avoid bad website design habits
The best way to a website design is to avoid some terrible designs. There are seven such design habits that need to be avoided. How to avoid the habit of bad Web Design
Habit 1: the website lacks personality
Website visitors are target driven. They search for a specific product or data sheet on your website. Therefore, if your website lacks clear purpose, these users will quickly move to the next website listed by their search engine. Bad website design does not fully represent your business or the relevance of the enterprise and the web site. Your home page is the same as your phone number. The first impression is everything. Is your home page boring? Is it not clear? The bad website design features include: do not know your target audience, including irrelevant or repetitive content, website content lacks strong appeal for sales behavior.
For all these reasons, network analysis is used to ensure that visitors have a good first impression of the site. Make the web page easy to read, have obvious navigation, introduce, and display the link properly. Make things easy.
Habit 2: failure to establish good faith
It is necessary that your design features prove to the visitors that they can trust the information you have found in your web page. Grammatical and spelling errors are visually unclean, and these seem to be outdated web sites. Think about it, if a website looks old, then you may come to the conclusion that the information contained is old. Therefore, the top priority is that you continue to update and improve your website, be careful not to fall behind.
Habit 3: unable to read text
Make sure that the content page stands out, and the text is too small, especially for the older audience. Choosing a new modern font is not a bad design, please make sure that the things you choose are crisp and clean. Finally, be careful with the use of the body, the italic, the underline, and the lock-in.
Habit 4: the layout of the website is not clear
Perhaps one of the most shocking crimes in web design is to create a poor web site. Do not let visitors guess where they should click: please make sure that the contents of your web page are simple text. Give a clear title for each button. Ensure that links are visually unified: if each link is presented in the same style, it will be convenient for users to scan web pages and find them.
Habit 5: distracting design elements
Too aspiring or inexperienced designers have a tendency to add more elements to the site using the garish. In fact, too many special functions and remarkable effects can seriously affect the overall feeling of the page, as well as the distraction of what is really important. Although it is a good idea to make a website stand out, it sometimes makes the visitor out of the page. Remember, content is the key, and any design feature should not cover up the fact.
Habit 6: leave the basic information
Creating a web site and lack of basic information will be the biggest mistake. Due to the failure to fully answer visitor questions or meet their needs, your site will soon reach to their expectations. One of the main problems found in bad website design is the lack of contact information. No matter what customers want to find a product related problem, or just need to know the problem of open time or website, if the customer can't find these basic information, the website will lose a large part of users.
Habit 7: do not check, look at the search engine to find you
Make sure to use the SEO keyword ingeniously to do smart and selective content, and to pay attention to your audience. The suitable keyword into your writing.
In web design, to avoid these seven bad habits, you will create a magnificent and visually impressive site in your own way.
Habit 1: the website lacks personality
Website visitors are target driven. They search for a specific product or data sheet on your website. Therefore, if your website lacks clear purpose, these users will quickly move to the next website listed by their search engine. Bad website design does not fully represent your business or the relevance of the enterprise and the web site. Your home page is the same as your phone number. The first impression is everything. Is your home page boring? Is it not clear? The bad website design features include: do not know your target audience, including irrelevant or repetitive content, website content lacks strong appeal for sales behavior.
For all these reasons, network analysis is used to ensure that visitors have a good first impression of the site. Make the web page easy to read, have obvious navigation, introduce, and display the link properly. Make things easy.
Habit 2: failure to establish good faith
It is necessary that your design features prove to the visitors that they can trust the information you have found in your web page. Grammatical and spelling errors are visually unclean, and these seem to be outdated web sites. Think about it, if a website looks old, then you may come to the conclusion that the information contained is old. Therefore, the top priority is that you continue to update and improve your website, be careful not to fall behind.
Habit 3: unable to read text
Make sure that the content page stands out, and the text is too small, especially for the older audience. Choosing a new modern font is not a bad design, please make sure that the things you choose are crisp and clean. Finally, be careful with the use of the body, the italic, the underline, and the lock-in.
Habit 4: the layout of the website is not clear
Perhaps one of the most shocking crimes in web design is to create a poor web site. Do not let visitors guess where they should click: please make sure that the contents of your web page are simple text. Give a clear title for each button. Ensure that links are visually unified: if each link is presented in the same style, it will be convenient for users to scan web pages and find them.
Habit 5: distracting design elements
Too aspiring or inexperienced designers have a tendency to add more elements to the site using the garish. In fact, too many special functions and remarkable effects can seriously affect the overall feeling of the page, as well as the distraction of what is really important. Although it is a good idea to make a website stand out, it sometimes makes the visitor out of the page. Remember, content is the key, and any design feature should not cover up the fact.
Habit 6: leave the basic information
Creating a web site and lack of basic information will be the biggest mistake. Due to the failure to fully answer visitor questions or meet their needs, your site will soon reach to their expectations. One of the main problems found in bad website design is the lack of contact information. No matter what customers want to find a product related problem, or just need to know the problem of open time or website, if the customer can't find these basic information, the website will lose a large part of users.
Habit 7: do not check, look at the search engine to find you
Make sure to use the SEO keyword ingeniously to do smart and selective content, and to pay attention to your audience. The suitable keyword into your writing.
In web design, to avoid these seven bad habits, you will create a magnificent and visually impressive site in your own way.
2018年1月23日 星期二
對於採用二通控制閥的變流量系統,當某些房間室溫達到要求值時,控制閥開度將關小以降低末端裝置的出力,但是,隨着控制閥的關小,作用於控制閥上的差壓將增加。這樣即使閥門再關小,但因差壓進一步增加,流量會高於理論值,最終可能出現全部在低負荷運行的閥門將以開/ 關模式運行,產生振盪現象。由於系統中總水量減少,管道中的壓降也隨之下降,使得系統中全部末端裝置壓降升高,水泵工作點沿水泵特性曲線上移,水泵揚程升高,使得這些控制閥承受了接近最高揚程的差壓值,導致控制閥失靈併產生噪聲。
1、 首先在設計上,應考慮在管網最低處設置大口徑排污閥,便於清洗時排污。如果設計上在管網頂部採用自動排氣閥,施工單位在管網清洗前不要急於把排氣閥安裝上去,這樣便於注水時滿灌及排污時將管內水儘快排淨。
2、 在主要設備及末端裝置進水管上設“Y”型過濾器,避免管網內雜物進入設備及末端裝置,引起堵塞報廢。對於吊頂內風機盤管的過濾器最好安裝於集水盤內,便於拆洗。如集水盤不夠大可要求生產廠家適當加大;如做不到這點,那麼在保溫時,過濾器堵蓋部分應做成可拆式保溫,便於以後維護中拆洗過濾器。
3、 對主要設備的進、出水管間可安裝短路閥,沖洗時關閉進、出水閥,打開短路閥即可對整個管網進行系統沖洗。而對於末端裝置是風機盤管,由於安裝空間原因安裝短路閥會有困難,可在供、回水幹管上考慮便於沖洗的措施。如在供水乾管末端及回水幹管首端設置沖洗閥,對供水和回水的水平幹管分別沖洗,沖洗時注意沖洗方向應與系統運行時水流方向一致。
1、 由於凝結水排水管坡度小或根本沒有坡度而造成漏水,或由於風機盤管的集水盤安裝不平或盤內排水口及排水管堵塞而盤水外溢是最常見的弊病。
2、 冷凍水管道與閥門接口處保溫質量差易造成表面結露,形成凝結水漏水。保溫操作時應嚴格按照標準圖施工,保溫層應緊貼管壁,隔氣層要嚴實、密封。另外,運行中閥杆不可能保持滴水不滲,而且外露的閥杆及手輪還要結露,所以閥門保溫與管道保溫間一定要設防水層。嚴禁某些密度不一、厚薄不均的劣質保溫材料在工程上使用。
對於採用二通控制閥的變流量系統,當某些房間室溫達到要求值時,控制閥開度將關小以降低末端裝置的出力,但是,隨着控制閥的關小,作用於控制閥上的差壓將增加。這樣即使閥門再關小,但因差壓進一步增加,流量會高於理論值,最終可能出現全部在低負荷運行的閥門將以開/ 關模式運行,產生振盪現象。由於系統中總水量減少,管道中的壓降也隨之下降,使得系統中全部末端裝置壓降升高,水泵工作點沿水泵特性曲線上移,水泵揚程升高,使得這些控制閥承受了接近最高揚程的差壓值,導致控制閥失靈併產生噪聲。
1、 首先在設計上,應考慮在管網最低處設置大口徑排污閥,便於清洗時排污。如果設計上在管網頂部採用自動排氣閥,施工單位在管網清洗前不要急於把排氣閥安裝上去,這樣便於注水時滿灌及排污時將管內水儘快排淨。
2、 在主要設備及末端裝置進水管上設“Y”型過濾器,避免管網內雜物進入設備及末端裝置,引起堵塞報廢。對於吊頂內風機盤管的過濾器最好安裝於集水盤內,便於拆洗。如集水盤不夠大可要求生產廠家適當加大;如做不到這點,那麼在保溫時,過濾器堵蓋部分應做成可拆式保溫,便於以後維護中拆洗過濾器。
3、 對主要設備的進、出水管間可安裝短路閥,沖洗時關閉進、出水閥,打開短路閥即可對整個管網進行系統沖洗。而對於末端裝置是風機盤管,由於安裝空間原因安裝短路閥會有困難,可在供、回水幹管上考慮便於沖洗的措施。如在供水乾管末端及回水幹管首端設置沖洗閥,對供水和回水的水平幹管分別沖洗,沖洗時注意沖洗方向應與系統運行時水流方向一致。
1、 由於凝結水排水管坡度小或根本沒有坡度而造成漏水,或由於風機盤管的集水盤安裝不平或盤內排水口及排水管堵塞而盤水外溢是最常見的弊病。
2、 冷凍水管道與閥門接口處保溫質量差易造成表面結露,形成凝結水漏水。保溫操作時應嚴格按照標準圖施工,保溫層應緊貼管壁,隔氣層要嚴實、密封。另外,運行中閥杆不可能保持滴水不滲,而且外露的閥杆及手輪還要結露,所以閥門保溫與管道保溫間一定要設防水層。嚴禁某些密度不一、厚薄不均的劣質保溫材料在工程上使用。
機房建置,當前不斷有人在向企業數據中心的執行管理人員們推薦機器人IT員工或由HAL(硬件抽象層)或IBM Watson完全運行的數據中心。對於企業的數據中心經理們來說,更好的方法就是重視切實的部署實施。
Aera Technology公司的創始人兼首席技術官Shariq Mansoor表示:“人工智能技術已經不再是科幻小說,所以數據中心管理人員們需要爲該技術的到來做好準備。AI技術已經得到快速的發展,其可以幫助改善數據中心的運營和服務。”
Mansoor說:“企業組織現在就要爲海量數據的存儲容量和可擴展性進行開始規劃;包括用於AI工作負載的GPU的更具彈性的計算能力的需求;以及包括Apache Spark等開源技術在內的新的技術堆棧做好準備。人工智能正在成爲保持業務??發展的必要手段,從自主運營、省電、執行預測性維護到持續的工作負載調整。沒有人工智能,想要實現數據中心的穩定持續的盈利運營幾乎是不可能的。”
Markets And Markets的AI分析師Shiladitya Chaterji表示:“用戶請求和數據流量可以根據網絡使用模式在不同的存儲位置之間傳輸。深度學習是一項人工智能技術,可以幫助優化基礎設施和運營,創造更高的效率,並提供更智能的預測性維護和相關服務,從而最終降低成本。”
StorageIO Group的分析師Greg Schulz表示:“數據中心管理人員們所面臨的幾大真切的AI實踐領域包括基於策略的日常任務自動化。這包括資源和服務的配置;服務檯,問題解決方案和積極的知識庫,捕捉新的事件,場景,症狀和解決方案,以幫助學習過去的經驗,以防止在未來出現相同的問題。
Pure Storage公司的產品和解決方案營銷副總裁Matt Kixmoeller表示:“對AI或機器學習的投資需要對底層存儲基礎架構進行一些戰略性的思考。由於其是數據密集型的,並依靠從數據中識別出的即時價值,解決方案必須具有可擴展性和成本效益,而且能夠高速處理龐大的數據集。”
Cloudian公司的首席執行官Michael Tso表示:“不要將目標存儲視爲‘便宜而深入’,而應將其視爲未來差異化的中心。數據中心世界正在發生變化,而那些能夠以AI友好的格式保存數據信息的企業組織將更有可能獲得成功。”
毫無疑問,當前不斷有人在向企業數據中心的執行管理人員們推薦機器人IT員工或由HAL(硬件抽象層)或IBM Watson完全運行的數據中心。對於企業的數據中心經理們來說,更好的方法就是重視切實的部署實施。
Aera Technology公司的創始人兼首席技術官Shariq Mansoor表示:“人工智能技術已經不再是科幻小說,所以數據中心管理人員們需要爲該技術的到來做好準備。AI技術已經得到快速的發展,其可以幫助改善數據中心的運營和服務。”
Mansoor說:“企業組織現在就要爲海量數據的存儲容量和可擴展性進行開始規劃;包括用於AI工作負載的GPU的更具彈性的計算能力的需求;以及包括Apache Spark等開源技術在內的新的技術堆棧做好準備。人工智能正在成爲保持業務??發展的必要手段,從自主運營、省電、執行預測性維護到持續的工作負載調整。沒有人工智能,想要實現數據中心的穩定持續的盈利運營幾乎是不可能的。”
Markets And Markets的AI分析師Shiladitya Chaterji表示:“用戶請求和數據流量可以根據網絡使用模式在不同的存儲位置之間傳輸。深度學習是一項人工智能技術,可以幫助優化基礎設施和運營,創造更高的效率,並提供更智能的預測性維護和相關服務,從而最終降低成本。”
StorageIO Group的分析師Greg Schulz表示:“數據中心管理人員們所面臨的幾大真切的AI實踐領域包括基於策略的日常任務自動化。這包括資源和服務的配置;服務檯,問題解決方案和積極的知識庫,捕捉新的事件,場景,症狀和解決方案,以幫助學習過去的經驗,以防止在未來出現相同的問題。
Pure Storage公司的產品和解決方案營銷副總裁Matt Kixmoeller表示:“對AI或機器學習的投資需要對底層存儲基礎架構進行一些戰略性的思考。由於其是數據密集型的,並依靠從數據中識別出的即時價值,解決方案必須具有可擴展性和成本效益,而且能夠高速處理龐大的數據集。”
Cloudian公司的首席執行官Michael Tso表示:“不要將目標存儲視爲‘便宜而深入’,而應將其視爲未來差異化的中心。數據中心世界正在發生變化,而那些能夠以AI友好的格式保存數據信息的企業組織將更有可能獲得成功。”
毫無疑問,當前不斷有人在向企業數據中心的執行管理人員們推薦機器人IT員工或由HAL(硬件抽象層)或IBM Watson完全運行的數據中心。對於企業的數據中心經理們來說,更好的方法就是重視切實的部署實施。
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