2018年4月19日 星期四

How to make website design user interface interaction better?

Website design requires solving problems every day. Finding the right solutions requires in-depth research and careful planning and testing. It would be great if we could find an omnipotent method or a secret recipe that could automatically solve all our work problems. We may not have the answer yet, but we do know some shortcuts that we can sometimes take.
 Website design
Heuristics are simple and effective rules that help us form judgement and decision making. We can see it as a conventional rule that involves the best implementation of interface design. These rules have their application scenarios and are not alternatives to usability testing.
Striving for consistency
Designing consistent interfaces means using similar design patterns and the same order of operation to handle similar situations. This is not limited to using appropriate colors, typesetting, fonts, etc. in the important areas of the prompts screen when your users browse your product. Remember: a consistent interface will make it easier for your users to accomplish their tasks and goals.
Like Taobao's homepage, from the consistency of the icon, we will see that the color and style of the icon are consistent. The consistency of copywriting may be simply invisible to a single page. In terms of color, Taobao uses orange as a whole, mostly orange. Font, you can see that the font is unified, only through bold amplification to reflect the font difference.
Allow high frequency users to use shortcut keys
Speaking of using shortcut operations as an interface design rule, your users will benefit from the shortcut keys, especially the same tasks that the high frequency users need to do regularly.
Core high frequency users may find the following characteristics helpful:
Functional keys
Hidden commands
Macro command setting
Provide clear feedback
You need to let your users know what happens at each stage of their operation. This feedback needs to be meaningful, relevant, clear and contextual.
A more friendly and important interaction design principle for user interface of Web Design
Design dialog boxes to produce feedback messages
Let me explain, a series of actions need to have a beginning, middle and end hints. Once the task is completed, by providing a clear information feedback and choice for the user, provide a moderated process to your users, and do not allow them to distract and doubt too much in the course of the task.
Providing error handling hints
A friendly website design interface should avoid mistakes as much as possible. But when errors occur, your system needs to make it easier for users to understand problems and know how to solve them. Simple ways to handle errors include displaying clear error notification and displaying descriptive prompts for solving problems.
Some large web site login boxes provide scientific and reasonable presentation information. When the user's operation is wrong or is not required to operate, the prompt area will appear clear prompt information to guide the user to correct.
Allow simple return / revocation operations
Finding an undo option after an error is an immediate relief. If your users know that there is a quick way to withdraw the wrong operation, they will feel more relaxed and more likely to feel free to explore and choose. This rule can be applied to any operation, operation group or data entry. The return / withdraw operation can be done from a simple button to a collection area involving the whole operation history.
Users should control the right to control
First of all, let's look at a definition: in personality psychology, locus of control is the degree that people think they can control the outcome of an event -- Julian Rotter. It is very important to give control and freedom to users, so that they can feel that they are the masters of the system. Avoid accidents, interruptions or anything that is not prompted by the user. Users should be the initiator of the operation, not the responder.
Lighten the memory burden of users
Our attention span is limited. Everything we can do should try to make our users work easier. Users are more likely to identify information rather than memorize information. If our interface is designed succinctly and consistently, following patterns, standards and practices, we have made contributions to better identification and ease of use.
We can add several specific functions to help our users in specific scenarios, depending on their goals. For example, in an e-commerce environment, view the list of items recently visited or purchased.
Although you may be half suspicious about how often you should make a heuristic based decision, following a set of rules and guidelines will make you move in the right direction and allow you to find the main usability problems early in the design process. These eight rules apply to most user interface design tasks.
You can also use the above principles as an inspiration to create your own elicitation based project, or to combine the ongoing projects to improve your design.

