2018年4月27日 星期五


很容易看到前兩個組件(NIC / HBA和交換機)的帶寬能力,這應該至少部署10 gbps或16 gbps光纖通道(FC)或更快的通道。雖然帶寬很重要,但延遲和交付質量更是如此。大多數數據中心不會生成足夠的連續事務來淹沒高速網絡。相反,他們產生了數以百萬計小生意。網絡將這些事務從服務器轉移到存儲器,並再次返回,這對於在閃存投資中提取最大性能至關重要。
與存儲系統升級(僅提高單個系統的性能)不同,網絡緩存可提高網絡上每個存儲系統的性能。這些設備基本上位於存儲系統和服務器之間,緩存那些最活躍的數據。許多網絡緩存在高可用性配置中可用,使其適合緩存讀取和寫入I / o .用戶還可以調整網絡緩存的大小,使閃存存儲區域大到足以存儲組織的整個活動數據集,從本質上將現有陣列轉換爲存檔和數據保護存儲系統。

Datacenter migration equipment dust removal in machine room

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Detailed content of website design services

With the rapid development of Internet at present, website design has become an indispensable marketing tool for enterprises. Most enterprises have built their own websites. But I believe that many of them are blindly following the wind, but do not know the real purpose of the website construction, and what the details of the website design services are, and think that it is just to spend a certain amount of cost to build a website. If you want to make your website more effective for your business, first of all, we must first understand the whole content of the website construction service, so as to build a satisfactory website and play the most important role of the website.
In a simple way, the detailed content of web design service refers to the website design, website after sale, and website operation training, not only make the enterprise have the high quality marketing website, but also let the enterprise network marketing be true to the ground, master the network marketing skills, the whole network marketing process, all is organized by the website construction company, It also saves a lot of trouble for enterprises.
1. The website design this content
In addition to planning, design, cutting, program, content editing, quality inspection and so on, there are other websites, such as website space and domain name selection, website filing, keyword selection and layout, mobile website docking WeChat interface, and direct access to the mobile site through the WeChat menu. To help enterprises get through the "three networks one" marketing mode.
Site space and domain name selection, this can not be selected casually, the size of the site space needs to consider the long-term development of the enterprise, but also to consider the speed and stability of the operation, the domain name of the website must consider the optimization and user experience, select the domain name related to the brand or product, such as many talents, is the direct use of caiyiduo .com, keyword selection and layout is very important, directly affecting the accuracy of the key words ranking and traffic in the later stage.
2, website after sale this aspect
After the sale of the traditional website, there are only some simple modifications to the website, and the others are gone. In fact, the content of the website after sale, such as: domain name, space management and maintenance, if the domain name or space problems, will seriously affect the user experience and website search engine optimization; the later minor revision of the website, help the enterprise to replace the advertising map, timing data timing backup, even if problems occur. Can immediately restore the latest data, otherwise the web site optimization for a long time, updated a lot of content, no backup, it will be very troublesome; Web site online training to help business operators to quickly master the backstage operation, once, multiple retraining; every three months for your company's website to do an operation diagnosis program Wait。
3. Website operation training
This is the urgent need of the enterprise, many enterprises do not start network marketing, the main is that the website operators are not in place, not without recruiting people, but not people, especially those in remote places, more difficult to recruit people, then network marketing will not do it? No, enterprises can be arranged from other posts. People come to study network marketing, professional website construction companies provide free network marketing training, from the website optimization, outside promotion, bidding promotion, data analysis, the whole web site operation systematic study, besides skills training, and the construction and assessment mechanism of the website operation team, the purpose is not only to help the enterprise. To create the needed network marketing team, it also helps enterprises to implement effective team management.
Summary, website construction seems simple, but want to make a marketing and profitable website, this still needs professional website design company, through its professional Internet marketing thinking combined with the latest construction technology, help enterprises improve the whole network marketing system, so that enterprises can quickly start network camp. Sell. If the enterprise has no professional team, but also different worry, professional website construction company, have a perfect website design one dragon service, from the website construction, after sale to the website operation training, not only let enterprises have a strong marketing, high transformation marketing tools, but also teach enterprises to quickly master the network marketing skills. Therefore, it is very important for enterprises to choose website design companies if they want to succeed in Internet marketing.

2018年4月26日 星期四


“我認爲透明度是非常關鍵的。如果你正在訪問某人的數據,我認爲讓他們知道爲什麼你需要這些數據會更好,“BrandYourself的首席執行官Patrick Ambron說道。

Datacenter migration, how to solve the problem of personnel shortage

Datacenter migration, in the data center industry, many experienced employees will face retirement, and their number doubling every four years, so the data center operators are faced with the shortage of professionals and configuration problems become more and more serious.
 Datacenter migration
The current recruitment and retention of data center professionals is not easy and will be increasingly difficult.This is because the staffing requirements of data centers is very complex, which requires a reliable power supply, cooling, network connection and other professional personnel, to keep data center its performance, the data processing and run smoothly.
Even if the data center operators in order to solve the problem of shortage of staff, actively promote and using the latest technology (from DCIM solutions to artificial intelligence, the fusion system) to help to minimize data centers will staff needs, but does not solve the fundamental problem.Because no matter how automated the data center is, the demand for data center personnel will not disappear anytime soon.
In a data center in the early stages of development of the industry, with professional personnel is easier, because at that time, few in number, data center technology is ready to follow in the job market and have many new technology trend of university graduates.And the time of the data center is a new simple world, there is no virtual machine edge, containers, equipment, new technology, such as the Internet, this means that when the demand for data center operators there are such fine and easy to define.
"Over the last 20 years, the data center has been staffed by young people."The Uptime Institute President Lee Kirby said, "now, those with data center start and development of the industry professionals have begun to retire now, through the development and growth, increasing demand for professionals.And as the size of the data center doubles every four or five years, that means the demand for data center professionals will double.
Kirby has enough experience with how companies configure their staff.Kirby has been President of Uptime Institute since 2016.Uptime Institute is a development that is widely used in data center industry data center design, build, and operation of sustainable level standard consulting organization, working to improve data center in the performance of the whole industry level.Before he became President, Kirby was the organization's chief technology officer.
"Today, no data center needs to provide support."He said, "a large enterprise with hundreds of thousands of square feet of large scale of data center, there are also some small and medium-sized enterprises have deployed in the edge of the small data center, from the core to the edge, the enterprise has all the appearance of different sizes, different types of configuration, different requirements, and the complexity of the environment are on the rise."
Kirby said that in today's environment, the data center industry should adopt a three-pronged approach to solve the recruitment and configuration problems of professionals.
(1) the enterprise needs to evaluate employees to determine the current skill gap and mitigate future problems.
"In the past, companies were able to get OSHA's safety requirements met and trained by hiring good mechanical and electrical engineers, because it was much simpler then."He was recommended to evaluate data center organization to discover and understand employees have the skills before explains, "once the organization know what skills they have, you will need to use their job skills and corresponding matching jobs."
(2) invest in the right training plan.
Kirby said, the enterprise still has a lot of things to consider, but for those already in office staff must be considered to provide the appropriate training, at the same time also want to consider for the future operational data center position and training employees.While some training can be done internally, much of it needs help from outside organizations, such as local community colleges, private training companies, and universities.
"It will depend on the training budget," Kirby said.Companies need to provide appropriate budgets for employee training and need to pay for training wisely.Priority for short-term and long-term training, the greatest influence where this can be traced back to understand employee skills gap, because the enterprise discovery skills gap means the corresponding risks, enterprises will be training on high-risk projects, and then the long-term risks.
Kirby points out that some of the necessary training effects may not always be obvious."A lot of times, employees' soft skills are ignored," he says.If the data center staff won the top job after working for many years, but no have higher level in writing and communication, and in the development of a data center project, especially with external service providers, they need to specify what you need to provide in terms of the contract, may be because of the lack of such skills and make enterprise business affected."
(3) establish and finance channels for promoting quality employees.
At this stage, Kirby said, data center operators are likely to use the same organization for training.
"I think the data center industry is a bit of a mystery to universities and technology institutions, so I need to get a little bit more understanding.The Uptime Institute is working with local universities, and even the university's science and technology students to learn more about the technology and requirements of the data center industry.
Due to the community college's job is to provide professional training to meet the needs of the local economy, so the community college graduates also data center for the future of recruitment provides a great opportunity.Recruiting college and community college graduate systems may also be another way to help the data center industry develop.
"The data center industry is a male-dominated industry," Kirby said.We hope that more women will enter the industry so that they can tap into an untapped pool of resources.And there are even fewer women in the data center industry than in the military.We should think about the different pools of resources that are being explored, try to work with universities, work with different repositories, and create more opportunities to attract more people into the data center industry.
Kirby believes that if the data center industry can follow these three methods and processes, a sustainable way can be found to meet the needs of employees.And the way data center operators get talent from their peers to keep their businesses running will eventually be replaced.

Website design, how to make the site better rankings

Website design, website fast ranking, as the name implies, is to use some of the characteristics of some search engines to optimize the optimization of the website to carry out special optimization operation, in a short time to achieve the goal of a rapid rise in the ranking. We should know that the development and promotion of modern enterprises can not be separated from the support of Internet technology. In order to get good development on the Internet, the enterprise website must have a good ranking first. In this way, you can get more traffic and bring more benefits to your website. Then how can you make a good ranking of your website?
 Website design
1. The content of the website
The rapid ranking of the web site, as its name implies, is to use some of the characteristics of some search engines to optimize the optimization of the website to carry out special optimization operations, in a short time to achieve the goal of a rapid rise in the ranking. We should know that the development and promotion of modern enterprises can not be separated from the support of Internet technology. In order to get good development on the Internet, the enterprise website must have a good ranking first. In this way, you can get more traffic and bring more benefits to your website. Then how can you make a good ranking of your website?
1. The content of the website
A website with reasonable structure and standardized layout is popular in all search engines. The external structure of the web site should put the most important things in the first layer (front page) or the second layer (page of the front page navigation bar). The internal connection is smooth, and the internal pages are connected with the navigation bar and the return button. The file name and directory name of the website should be reasonable, one is to facilitate website management, and the two is to highlight the key words. Building a high quality website map page will facilitate access to search engine spiders.
3. Web page optimization
Don't use pure pictures, pure flash or frameworks to build your pages. Search engine spiders cannot separate pictures or flash from valid text from them, so it is essential to reduce or eliminate too many pictures or flash on the front page. The description of title is an important part of the optimization process.
Some websites do not understand or attach great importance to the description of title. Some simply use no title documents or welcome as headlines. The search engine spiders are unable to know what you want to express, and the title is an important aspect of the cultivation of key words.
Image and connection optimization processing: annotate the promotion Keywords in the ALT logo and the title logo of the connection. Text optimization processing: promotion key words in the page try to use or emphasize.
4. Link strategy
Keep relevant topics to ensure that all links appearing on your website are related to the topic of your web page. Search engines focus on the relevance of links, not just their numbers. The 10 good internal links from popular web pages are far better than 100 link factories that are composed of garbage sites. Put links into text, because this comparison search engine algorithm is more valuable than linking pages in web content and web pages than related linked pages out of exile.

2018年4月25日 星期三


事實上,對於許多行業的企業組織而言(如金融銀行,,空中交通管制,鐵路貨運和能源分配等行業),他們在當下其實仍然嚴重依賴於其傳統的系統。經典的系統是這些行業的企業組織保持正常運行的牢固基石,畢竟,這些企業組織需要確保99999%的正常運行時間,出色的安全性,高度的容錯能力以及確保第一時間的災難恢復。事實上,這些經典系統仍在使用中的原因,就是因爲它們非常強大的功能特性。除此之外,業界專家們的假設是,今天最經典的系統都是永久運行的(這些系統更像大衆甲殼蟲,而不像Windows Vista)。就包含企業組織業務流程相關知識的經典系統而言,其也是非常有價值的。今天,仍在運行的大多數經典系統都是通過了跨越多年的迭代過程來逐步構建和完善的。您的企業的繼任計劃和知識轉移是否是一流的?拆除一款傳統經典系統的體系架構可能意味着失去其中的體系架構知識。迄今爲止,傳統的系統提供了許多新的系統尚未能完全匹配的企業級功能:
“在我們的工廠部署實施了虛擬化軟件解決方案之後,使得我們能夠將我們的關鍵業務應用程序無縫地轉換爲獨立供應商的平臺上,而且這一過程相當的快速,並且令我們非常的滿意。”塔塔鋼鐵有限公司(塔塔鋼鐵有限公司)的首席運營助理兼系統管理主管Anurag Agnihotri表示說。

Datacenter migration cloud computing and traditional IDC the difference

Datacenter migration is a complicated facilities, it not only includes computer systems and other ancillary equipment (such as communication and storage system), includes redundant data communications connections, environmental control equipment, monitoring equipment and various safety devices ", at present, cloud computing will become the social public information resources, and data center is the support of cloud computing services infrastructure, cloud computing is also bring earth-shaking changes to information age, so the cloud computing, all information technology begins to turn around it, cloud computing is like there is a god,What is the difference between a cloud computing data center, a cloud computing datacenter migration, and a traditional IDC?
 Datacenter migration
What is the cloud computing data center?
Now there may be a lot of people about cloud computing, data center and large data and places feel fuzzy, this kind of technologies such as cloud computing data center is a kind of based on cloud computing architectures, loose coupling calculation, storage and network resources, full virtualization of the IT equipment, high degree of modularity, high degree of automation, a higher degree of green energy saving of new data center.
The cloud data center is characterized by a high degree of virtualization, which includes virtualization of servers, storage, network, and application, enabling users to invoke various resources on demand.Followed by the degree of automation management, including the management of the physical servers, virtual servers, the related business process management automation, automated management of customer service charges, and at last the green, energy-saving, cloud computing data center in all respects in accordance with the green and energy saving standard, general PUE value less than 1.5.
What's the difference between a cloud computing data center and a traditional IDC?
In terms of design concept, cloud computing data center (or a new generation of data center) is more emphasis on the collaborative optimization with the IT system, on the premise of meet the requirements, achieve the highest efficiency and lowest cost of the whole data center;Traditional data centers usually emphasize the reliability, safety and high standards of the machine room, but they are separated from IT systems and are expensive.
Traditional IDC type can be roughly divided into custody services and users' service pattern, one kind is the server purchase by users themselves, monitoring and management of equipment during the period of work is done by customers themselves.Data centers mainly provide IP access, bandwidth access and power supply services.Is another pattern of data center not only provides management services, and also to provide customers servers and storage, customers need to purchase equipment can be used to storage space and computing environment provided by the data center, but now entered the era of cloud computing IT industry, in the aspect of data center hosting is no longer requires the user to provide your own hardware equipment, IT greatly increases the computing power of the hardware and IT scalability and operability.
(1) the difference between cloud computing and traditional IDC in resource intensive speed and scale.
In the end, cloud computing is a dynamic resource allocation through resource intensive implementation.Traditional IDC services can also achieve simple intensification, but they differ greatly in the speed and scale of resource integration.Traditional IDC only has limited integration on the basis of hardware servers, such as multiple virtual machines sharing a physical server performance.But this simple intensification is limited to the size of a single entity server, far less than cloud computing, and even a massive, effective integration across data centers.
More importantly, the resources provided by traditional IDC are difficult to handle quickly and redistribute quickly.
(2) the difference between cloud computing and traditional IDC in operating efficiency of the platform.
The more flexible resource application mode and higher technology upgrade will enable cloud service providers to have the advantages of collection advantage and innovative resource utilization, which will promote the operation efficiency of the whole platform.And, unlike traditional IDC services, cloud computing users from the hardware management and operational work, focus on the development of internal business and innovation, by the cloud service provider is responsible for the stability of the cloud platform itself.This responsibility sharing model improves the operation efficiency of the whole platform.
In short, cloud computing is an extension and development of traditional IDC services.Cloud computing is more compute nodes connected into a large virtual resource pool to improve the efficiency of computing, redistribution of resources efficiency and the scale is not limited to a single physical server or even a single IDC data center.No matter from delivery/service mode, resource allocation, resource allocation rate, or running efficiency of the whole platform, compared with the traditional IDC services, cloud computing is greatly promoted, the promotion for enterprise and developers from all walks of life to create a higher value.
(3) the difference between cloud computing and traditional IDC in service type.
Commonly used traditional IDC services include entity server hosting and hiring.The former is managed by the user to buy hardware to room and equipment during the monitoring and management work of the unilateral independently by the user, IDC data center offers IP access, broadband access, power supply and network maintenance, etc., which is rented by the IDC data center physical equipment for customers to use, and is responsible for the stability of the environment, users need to purchase hardware equipment.
The services provided by cloud computing are the complete set of services from infrastructure to the business infrastructure to the application layer.
IDC data center integrates the large-scale hardware servers into the cloud, providing users with service capabilities and IT capabilities.Users do not need to worry about the performance limitations of any hardware device, and can achieve high scalability and high availability of computing power.
(4) the difference between cloud computing and traditional IDC in resource allocation.
As is known to all, due to the deployment and configuration of physical hardware resources of traditional IDC delivery usually take hours or even days, would increase the time cost of companies, and more energy consumption, and difficult to achieve real-time, rapid redistribution of resources, and easy to cause idle and waste of resources.
Cloud computing, by updating the technology to realize rapid redistribution of resources, can in a few minutes or even dozens of seconds allocates resources available to achieve rapid, and the sheer scale of the cloud virtual resource pool resources make the rapid redistribution of resources is able to bear, and in order to effectively avoid the risk of idle resources.
(5) the difference between cloud computing and traditional IDC charging mode.
Traditional data centers typically charge in accordance with the month or year, calculation of standard is the number of cabinets, size of bandwidth, electricity use these data, the data is extensive, statistics is not accurate, often cause a lot of waste of resources.Such as a client to rent ten cabinets, but actually it only took five, five other can be slowly go online in the future, but you must pay the cost of the ten cabinets, let the customer more spent a lot of money.And cloud data center is different, can according to the hours or even minutes to collect fees, and customers to use is calculation, bandwidth and storage of data, like home with gas fee, as long as you don't open the gas burner, gas fee, also won't spend only at the beginning of the open kitchen burning gas is gas meter, accurate measurement, the cloud data center is to charge according to this model, the customer with how much computing and bandwidth resources, how many fee, this fee can be accurate to the minutes, save the expenses for the customer, so what customers don't like it.
(6) cloud computing is different from traditional IDC's requirement for optical devices.
Compared with traditional devices, the device density in the data center is higher, and more modules can be inserted on the same board card.Power demand has plummeted to one-eighth of the level.The need for speed is also more and more high, because in the limited space, limited in order to achieve a greater amount of data on the board, request the speed of the module has soared, all of these requirements, put together, for devices, the requirements of the integration is higher and higher.
Can traditional IDC still hold?
The past tradition of on a few servers, with a virtual host software on selling space play, more and more out of the market, slightly larger traditional IDC also began to upgrade to VPS, but the VPS, for the moment, popularity is very general, and expensive, customer development cost is high.Due to record trouble, on the other hand, large quantities of adsense turned to the us or overseas idc, small and medium enterprises, established abroad several idc basically realized the foundation virtualization and cloud computing, and the price is very low.
It will be harder for the traditional small IDC to survive, so it is inevitable that a large number of customers that belong to IDC will be transferred to the cloud computing business, and this is almost unstoppable.Domestic big some of idc, in addition to the server hosting, its virtual host business also will be the hardest hit, with cloud computing several big manufacturers is a famous enterprise, consumer trust in them is much higher than idc merchants.
Next, the new cloud computing data center will attract more companies as the landing time approaches.Look to the future, in the Internet industry, the traditional IT industry has begun to more and more enterprises into the service and operation of data center, which includes a lot of industry leading enterprises, some experts pointed out that in the next five to 10 years, based on cloud data center management and service mode will become more common.

How does website design meet the preferences of search engines?

Website design,With the continuous development of the Internet, the continuous improvement of the search engine algorithm and the constant change of the user's needs, the SEO has become more and more complex, and the SEO practitioners should not be more constrained by the "step by step" mode of work, and the SEO strategy should be properly adjusted according to the current situation. To know that the website wants to get a good rankings, the most basic requirement is to be captured by the search engine to the content of the web page. How can website construction meet the preferences of search engines? The following main points are worth thinking deeply.
 Website design
First, whether the speed of the web site is fast enough
The opening speed of the website directly affects the user's choice, open too slowly, the customer may directly close your website, the user is most satisfied with the opening of the web time, is under 2 seconds, the user can endure the longest waiting time of the median, in 6~8 seconds, the site hit fast one or two seconds, can be redeem not Fewer users. The factors that affect the speed of the website are as follows:
1. The factors of the website itself
Code overstaffing is not standard, a large number of use of flash and script code, big picture and so on is also affecting the slow speed of the site, we have to properly optimize the website, the code to lose weight.
2, server factors
The speed of the website is slow, which is caused by the instability of the server. The construction of the website must choose the high quality server, but not only the price and the size of the space to judge. Therefore, it is suggested that we should not choose the low-cost server in order to save the cost, and do not accept the server given by the building company at random. After all, a slightly better server is only a few hundred yuan a year, and the investment is not big. It is not worth the visitors to lose the visitor for hundreds.
Two. Whether the title of the website is set up
On the title of the website, one of the words is to choose the key words that meet the user's search habits as the title, what is the user's search habit? What do you search for in Baidu when you look for information on the Internet? What is the conclusion of the "website construction company", "website construction price" and "which is a good website"? How do you come to the conclusion? You put the word "website construction" into the Baidu search box, you look at the list, what's inside? You pull the page again. At the bottom of the face, let's see what the Baidu search tips are for you, so you will understand.
Three. Whether the design style of the website is harmonious or not
There are 3 main ideas for website style design:
1, look for differentiation, find out the advantages and disadvantages of competitors' websites, and foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses.
2, the beauty of simplicity, the trend of website design is simple and not simple.
3, webpage design must take product as the core, not design designer, not putting the cart before the horse.
So when the designer of the station company connects with you, you know how to tell whether the design is in line with your needs.
Four. The content planning and layout of the website
The core idea of web design content planning is that when the site is planned, we do not want to express what we want to express, but to analyze what the user wants to see in the user's perspective, and to guide the user at the same time.
Website layout is simple and clear. A simple and clear website layout level is loved by search engines.
(1) tree layout, the best layout is "home page - channel details page".
(2) flat homepage, to the level of detail page, as little as possible, not only for grasping friendly love but also excellent transmission weight.
(3), mesh, to ensure that each page has at least one text connection point, so that the website can be grasped as much as possible.
(4), navigation, adding a navigation to each page to facilitate users to know the location and way.
When you have confirmed that all of the above aspects are reasonable, basically the website designed by the website design company is in line with the requirements of the search engine. The next thing only needs you to renew the content of the website and do the promotion of the website, so that your website will be more and more popular with users. How to determine whether a user likes your website? Residence time is a very important standard. So how to increase the user's stay time? Here also by the way to give you a small trick: our general practice is, the relevant picture 1-3, distributed in the article, typesetting can not be too large or too small, interval and character spacing can not be too small, the title part should be thickened or red display, let users clear, clear, If you are interested in reading from the beginning to the end, you will naturally increase the residence time of the page. Spiders will give you a bonus of your web page.

2018年4月24日 星期二


機房建置,在不同的編排器Kubernetes,便,碼頭工人羣之間,它們有不同的接口來訪問存儲資源,例如碼頭工人有插件機制的DVDI接口,Mesos&Pivotal Cloud Foundry也使用一些碼頭工人接口,Kubernetes具有本地驅動程序(其中卷驅動程序是源代碼樹的主要部分)——提供外部API和當前CSI的Flex驅動程序,還有一些API框架和工具,如Rex-Ray,OpenSDS等,提供其他方式來連接存儲……爲提供一個標準的API,供多種編排器和多個存儲提供商使用,簡化它們之間的接口,CSI誕生了!
Kubernetes 1.9引入了CSI(容器存儲接口)的α實現(相關參考2),這一功能讓安裝新的存儲卷插件像部署豆莢一樣簡單,同時給第三方存儲提供商無需加入Kubernetes核心代碼,即可開發存儲的接入方案。

Datacenter migration future direction

Datacenter migration, the development of modern data technology is hard to predict, because the whole industry and market are constantly changing. In the past few years, advanced analytical tools, automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning and so on have been introduced. With the introduction of every emerging technology, there will be a series of changes that subvert the industry landscape.
 Datacenter migration
1. artificial intelligence will continue to grow and dominate
Since many organizations are deploying automation systems in time and resources, 2017 is an important year for the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the data center industry. There will be better development in 2018, and more advanced hardware products will be launched. Large scale data centers, local networks and mobile devices will benefit.
Some industry giants are also involved, including Intel's Nervana neural network processor (NNP), GPU based GPU based artificial intelligence, and a variety of AMD and ARM chips dedicated to processing artificial intelligence.
2. renewable energy will flourish
Data center providers and cloud computing managers have begun to see the incredible cost and energy consumption of the facilities they operate. Since 2018, a more efficient and reliable system will become a top priority, and renewable energy will be the dominant energy source.
Giant industries like Google, Microsoft, Amazon and apple have been working to provide renewable energy for their cloud computing data centers. Under normal circumstances, what the industry leaders do will start the demonstration effect.
The 3. edge data center will rise
The rise of edge computing does not mean that the collapse of cloud computing or cloud computing will soon disappear, because that is not the case. However, it is obvious that more and more people are beginning to realize that not everything and business should be transferred to the cloud. Queue edge computing or edge data center will be more applied in 2018.
More importantly, decentralized data center settings allow organizations and teams to better solve and manage their digital business infrastructures. The number and speed of data will increase to a fairly high level, and the data coming out of the cloud will become increasingly inefficient.
In addition, edge computing also has some incredible use cases and lots of potential.
4. the efficiency of the data center will increase
Using renewable energy and reducing energy consumption is a way to transform data centers into more efficient ones. However, there will be more local deployment of data centers and hardware investment in the coming year. The industry is talking about liquid cooling and alternating temperature control methods, micro grid, DCIM and other advanced technologies.
Traditional components will be switched to full flash memory system or fusion. Content and deployed systems will be converted to edge and hybrid based models. Computational fluid dynamics and temperature automation will become easier to achieve. Even in some cases, DCIM, which may use machine learning or virtual cloud computing, will also play a role.
In addition, do not forget the role of microgrid. A report released by GTM Research said that in the next six years, the United States will invest $12 billion 500 million to develop and deploy microgrids.
5. more compatible applications and API
Application and service integration is critical for organizations that migrate existing infrastructure to cloud computing or hybrid cloud. Unfortunately, the adoption and development of applications in this field may not have made much progress.
Fortunately, API or application programming interface can help parsing, allowing workload and content to move and transform more freely. Developers are also starting to use and deploy them more often than ever before. This is a good symbol of the current industrial landscape development. It is expected that more compatible applications will enter this space, while the functions of other applications will be greatly improved.
With the beginning of the new year, the future is undoubtedly bright for big data and data center providers.

Core elements of success or failure of enterprise website design

With the development of the society, the Internet is applied to more fields, so the website design  has not been selective for the contemporary enterprises, and the future website development will become an inevitable behavior of the enterprise. It can be seen that the importance of websites is self-evident in contemporary society. Information is transmitted through websites to the Internet, and then transmitted to people in various fields. The Internet connects the information in these websites to provide a platform for people to quickly trade and find information. In such a huge Internet competition market, what are the core elements of the success of web development?
 Website design
First, accomplish the goal of the enterprise
No matter what we do, we are sure to have a definite goal. For example, we study for a good university, we work hard to live a better life or to realize our own value. The same is true for developing websites. Different websites have different goals. The goal of an enterprise website is to sell products. So we must think about this topic all the time in the process of building the website, to make sure that this site is to promote our products to customers or to sell their own products to customers, and then build different types of websites according to different requirements.
Second. Search engine optimization
When we look up data on the network, we will enter what we want to find in the search bar, and the web page will automatically appear information that is associated with the keywords you enter. So in order to enable the public to find your website quickly, you need to optimize the search engine. There are many ways to optimize the search engine.
1, the key words are as short as possible
Generally speaking, when we look for data, we input the keyword instead of the whole question, because it is too much trouble. So the keywords of the website are as short as possible, so that you can quickly appear on your website when others input keywords. In addition, the website's keywords can be set up more.
The possibility will be bigger.
2, clean up the garbage in the website
In general, the web site that first appears through search engines is a number of high quality websites, so if you want your site to be in the front, clean up the content of the site regularly. Reduce spam in the website and improve the overall quality of the website.
Third. Customer centered
Enterprise website development is faced with customers, so this website must be customer centered. First of all, we should investigate customer preferences and customer requirements in advance, and try to mix these requirements with customers when designing and making websites. In addition, a module can be specially produced for customer experience so that they can feel the merchandise ahead of time. Finally, the service is, now this social service is more important than the commodity, so the service of the website must be in place, especially after the after-sales service, can not take care of the customer when the customer buys the things.
Fourth. Pay attention to details
"Details determine success or failure", in the process of the development of the enterprise website should pay attention to the various small details, because there are many types of websites in the market, so it is necessary to have a good place to be the best in these websites. Some small details are easy to get the favor of others.
Fifth. The supervision and management of the website
The supervision of the website must be in place, do not let the website develop in a bad direction, and then try to use a variety of management models, which will help better manage the website. These problems need special attention in the process of website building, because they are related to the success or failure of a website.

2018年4月23日 星期一


數據中心建築建好前,就要根據建築機房容量來裝機設計了,這時最爲關鍵,要設計整個數據中心業務組網,進行服務器,網絡和安全等設備選型,外部出口帶寬是40 g還是100克,網絡是等價路由還是設備堆疊等等,數據中心要擁有幾個或者數個這樣的架構師,由架構師做整個業務網絡的設計。設計要考慮各個環節的冗餘,業務應用特點,可實施性,當將大的框架搭好,就可做設備選型,根據各個設備廠家的應標,決定各個環節的設備型號和數量。

Datacenter migration intelligent management

Datacenter migration,data is one of the most important commodities in today's business. The data is a king, whether it is a specialized processing or selling or just use. A recent study by the world state Wei Dynasty shows that the market for data centers in Europe is still booming, and the data center capacity of enterprise leasing has set a new high.
 Datacenter migration
But in order to meet the demand for data growth, the data center is having to use more servers, racks and hardware, which are increasingly difficult to monitor. The complexity of the dynamic environmental management of the people, power and assets of the data center is causing huge data blindness, which means that it needs to be solved inefficiency. The problem. And the problem is as big as snowball. With the growing application of the Internet of things equipment in 2018, more data is pouring into it, and the traditional data center will be overwhelmed without proper planning.
Today, the speed of data growth and the growth of business needs are indisputable. Intelligent monitoring and automation must meet the increasingly complex management requirements in order to achieve the desired level in the foreseeable future.
If the organization is seeking to implement a new solution, the first thing that must be done is planning. A better architecture can make network devices more flexible, programmable, and more flexible.
However, improper planning is a serious defect that must be avoided, and even if the organization adopts appropriate solutions, it will be difficult for organizations to benefit from these solutions without appropriate strategies, which will eventually affect the organization's income.
Organizations need to develop an implementation plan that includes goals and expectations to identify the benefits of implementation and, more importantly, how solutions and frameworks can be used by site personnel.
Without this, new software and hardware will be installed, and engineers are almost ignorant of the real potential of these devices.
In addition, the direct result of more and more devices being added to the enterprise network is that the data center now deploys more frames to store these data, and the power density is higher than ever before, and the required applications and services are also run. This puts the underlying problems and potential problems to the forefront. This is an organization that can not be ignored.
First, deploying more cabinets in the machine room will lead to a rise in the temperature of the data center environment, which may have a huge impact on the performance of IT devices. If not solved, it may lead to a breakdown of the IT device, and the IT staff can only try to save the core data.
However, if you have the ability to track the data of the whole center and understand its tiny position in the whole room, it will make the cooling more effective and make the data center work smoothly without the downtime.
This ability also means that data center managers do not have to seek to expand the physical space of the machine room. By installing new and improved toolkits, data center managers can track data and see how data can be stored more efficiently.
Without this vision, data center managers may need more budget, waste time and expenses to build new room space or install more rack.
Power interrupts and downtime in the data center will cause a lot of damage and impact on the profits of users and operators, such as the unexpected shutdown of Microsoft Azure services for customers in northern Europe in 2017. If no lessons were learned from such events, the future revenue stream of the data center operators would be huge. Influence. After all, if the user's trust is not obtained, the reputation of the operator will be disastrous.
It is time for organizations to protect themselves, using monitoring software to ensure that enterprises can not only maintain operation, meet their income needs, but also be able to combine with the latest increment in the space of the machine room, so as to prepare for the intelligent planning of the future service.
From a simple cost-benefit analysis, it is not worthwhile to rely on outdated, obsolete (usually artificial) solutions without implementing the DCIM solution. The organization uses DCIM to implement intelligent real time decisions on monitoring, network, and usage patterns for the entire data center. In addition, the organization can also introduce a failure guarantee. Risk mechanism, which can use a custom alert creation form, to get the correct information to the right team or individual, so that they take evasion measures to avoid future data interruptions, and taking preventive measures will always bring some benefits.
DCIM can be a protective measure to reduce the growing burden of existing infrastructure to ensure that the organization is as efficient as possible, and requires a single view of the data and performance issues in the data center. It is no longer an additional component, but an important component of the organization's data center to save money and time and improve performance. Points.

Website design: the key points of mobile website SEO optimization

Website design, with the popularity of mobile Internet and mobile phones, the trend of users migrating from the PC to the mobile end is more obvious. But at present, many websites do not build special mobile stations, but take a wait-and-see attitude. This makes the SEO optimization work of mobile phone websites still in the exploration stage, and the mobile terminal SEO executes the work phase. Compared with the traditional PC terminal, there is still a big difference. In order to optimize the mobile terminal SEO, we should pay attention to the following aspects.
 Website design
1. Domain name optimization
The use of short domain names, such as m.evem.cn, is convenient for users to remember, search spiders for convenience, and reduce waste of resources.
2, page and optimization
Using XHTML, HTML5, WML and other technologies, do a good job of matching the web page to the equipment, and make response design and development for the PC web site. Different websites match the different models, and use 302 redirects to the corresponding models. Do a good job of adaptation for different mobile web pages. Large web sites suggest that they do their own adaptation.
Baidu official statement, for mobile sites, when Baiduspider UA or other undetermined sources of UA access, it is recommended to return to the HTML5 or XHTML type of mobile pages by default, do not redirect to the PC page.
3, URL optimization
The SEO optimization of mobile website is consistent with the method of PC terminal page optimization. The whole station needs to use static links to use static links, so as to avoid using "static" links. A dynamic URL with a parameter is used as a hyperlink.
4, Title optimization
The Title document distinguishes the PC end, as short as possible, as well as the key words, the content of the page is clearly described within 8 Chinese characters and the name of the channel is included, avoiding the use of the same copywriting for all the pages.
5, meta optimization
In accordance with the PC end optimization, use keywords and descriptions to describe the content of the website as accurately as possible; when Deion is optimized, the number is limited to 50 characters and 110 characters, and the benefit is to facilitate the mobile search to digest your page content.
6. Internal link optimization
The SEO optimization of the mobile site is the same as the PC end web page optimization structure. The website link needs to be logical, and the structure needs to be clear. The user can easily return to the home page through the link in the station.
7, site map optimization
Making corresponding site maps for mobile terminal pages to facilitate mobile spider crawling.
8. Submitting Site Map
For mobile terminals, mobile sitemap is also required to facilitate mobile spider crawling, which is mainly divided into URL level sitemap and pattern level sitemap.
URL level sitemap: describes the corresponding relationship between the URL level PC page and the mobile phone page through the XML file.
Pattern level sitemap: a pattern level correspondence can often express thousands of URL correspondences. By submitting the corresponding relationship in batches in the form of pattern, the amount of data submitted by the webmaster can be greatly reduced.
9. App optimization for web sites
Baidu light application optimization, Site App is Baidu's exit PC website rapid mobile tool, suitable for those who do not have self-adaptive ability at present.

2018年4月22日 星期日


轉向具有更高處理器性能(通常所採取的最常見的措施),更大的I / O帶寬和加速器的系統是一個合理的決定。但是這些數據也表明了理想配置所存在的不確定性。一些企業已經嘗試了橫向規模化擴展,並縱向擴展;而另外一些企業則採取了相反的方案。其他某些遷移從虛擬機開始,然後轉移到專用服務器,而其他一些同行卻與此相反。

Datacenter migration, SDN is the future of data center network?

Datacenter migration,In recent years, the popularity of SDN technology has been recognized, and there is a certain scale of practice deployment in the data center field.SDN carries the EVPN technology, in the data center network new project can be said to be a popular young person, people see the love.With more data center for SDN, network vendors also eager to promote SDN solution, although each SDN different to achieve, connectivity and a lot of problems, but does not prevent SDN technology of high-speed expansion, every data center network in thinking about how to evolve in the direction of SDN.So is SDN the future of the data center network?Of course, network technology is still developing, but SDN technology is more mainstream in academia and market.In fact, the SDN technology itself is divided into various factions, such as NFV, and there is a lot of debate about the technology of forwarding and control separation, and no technology has the absolute advantage.In 2016, ONF issued a white paper "the Intent NBI - Definition and all," describes the north interface Based on Intent, the IBN (Intent - -based Networking, network) Based on Intent technology, IBN technology through the improvement of the two years to replace the trend of SDN.
 Datacenter migration
We the development of network technology can be divided into three stages: traditional networks, network of SDN, IBN, SDN network is only an intermediate process in the development of data center network, finally is to realize IBN network.From the current view, IBN is data center network in the future, maybe after ten years are no longer IBN, there will be more advanced network technology to replace it, that's another story, no one can predict how long it will last, a new network technology as the FC storage network, although the technology update is slow, and even no update, but use for decades has not been eliminated, is still active in the data center market.Many people may not be familiar with IBN, which has not been mentioned by many people until recently.Traditional network is in the past 50 years, has been the use of network, with hardware network equipment is given priority to, as long as the purchase of a batch of data center network equipment, realize the interconnection, issued a good configuration to realize each other can, later found with the expanding of network size, the traditional network operations and management into a very difficult thing, multiplying number of human and financial growth, so SDN appeared.Network core idea of SDN is to control and transform the separation, open interfaces and protocols, software controller to control the entire network, simplify operations and management, improve business deployment speed, obviously SDN is to improve network operations and management of a sword, widely welcomed by the data center, but SDN is merely the first step to open the closed network decades, data center network needs to be intelligent, hope is a self learning network, this is the category of IBN network.The IBN network is based on high automation and is intended to minimize human operations.In IBN network, users only need to provide the purpose, by the network facilities automatic translation for the network configuration instruction execution, and continually collect and monitor the network running quality feedback, so as to realize the purpose of continuously optimize the network.The traditional network is "yesterday", SDN is "today", but IBN is still "tomorrow".
The relationship between SDN and IBN is very close. IBN is not to eliminate SDN technology, but the technical concept of IBN is also implemented by SDN.SDN is an architecture, and IBN is a product.SDN realizes the network refinement operation, but brings the complexity index level up, and IBN reduces the network application complexity with the concept of closed loop.SDN is more focused on how to control the infrastructure in the network, based on software, and the configuration of network strategies in an open and programmable manner.The control of IBN can be traditional control or SDN control.IBN pays more attention to how the network can better satisfy the user's business intention, so that the intention and network status can be smoothly and consistently reached highly consistent.SDN and IBN are two help mutually beneficial technology, they can be deployed independently already, also can be mixed deployment in the network, to a certain extent, IBN contains SDN, forwarding and control of the separation networks in IBN, IBN based on business intentions, holographic state for network access and fine-grained control equipment are no doubt to the network has brought great agility.Vendors representing cisco and juniper have started to develop IBN, and open source projects such as OpenDaylight are gradually adding IBN's ideas to its SDN controller.
2017 Gartner once in the report pointed out: "we think a IBNS deployment can be reduced by 50% - 90% of the network infrastructure, delivery time, at the same time can reduce at least 50% of the outage occurrence frequency and length", Gartner also enshrines IBN. But IBN is still a theoretical technology, today, only a handful of people really familiar with this concept.IBN technique is not perfect, IBN heavily rely on the interaction between various components and equipment API/CLI docking, at present has not been a unified standard specification, manufacturer both are private API/CLI, build the barriers of support for other IBN components, largely inhibit IBN technology of heterogeneous components.In the data center market, the technology update cycle is relatively long, and the attempt to carry out new technology will face great resistance, especially the network part which is always in a closed state.To know SDN technology was put forward as early as ten years ago, and after ten years of technology improvement, promotion and popularization, to reach today's situation, at least in the data center no longer go to exclude SDN, many data center has begun to deploy SDN, so need to transition to IBN, there should be a long way to go, if development is not good, the end of the day, no possible.IBN technology implementation, the challenge is some, is still in the prototype stage, unlike SDN have Openflow network deployment standards implementation agreement, IBN technology also need to constantly improve itself, to form a standard as soon as possible, in their own way to avoid major network vendors, by way of private IBN, thus and go back to the closed network.Network could mark a step towards opening, acceptance of SDN technology is not easy, if you can combine the pace of bigger, can walk into IBN network, walked into a new world of intelligent network.
IBN is the future of the data center network, at least for now.The future network must be intelligent, unattended, and the future of IBN is a complete set of unmanned network.Is expected within 10 years, IBN will first applied to a large or very large scale of data center network, that's because these huge data centres, the efficiency of network and the optimization of network cost in urgent need of innovative solutions, IBN is a very good catalyst.So, some people say that SDN is the future of data center network, stop that now.

Website design, how to design an excellent enterprise mobile website?

Website design,With the upgrading of mobile terminal and mobile network environment, more and more people use mobile phone to view web and Internet. Like traditional Internet, enterprises need to build their own mobile web sites to carry out mobile network marketing. Although in the form of expression, the mobile phone website is weaker than the general website, but the performance of pictures and animations is not enough. So, how to make an excellent enterprise mobile website?
 Website design
First, the visual effect is very important
Good design also needs to consider visual, people like beautiful things, do not like ugly things; willing to enjoy the beautiful feeling quietly, therefore, the visual elements should reflect the beautiful things, now many mobile ends will add animation function, or an interactive function, is to the people in the vision. It embodies many different pictures and increases the quality, and reduces barriers to people in use.
Second, the web site is concise
Generally speaking, the mobile site design is much slower than the PC end site when users download and browse, and the pages are too complex to consume the patience of the users to wait for the site to load, especially the navigation bar is short and clear, and can quickly guide the user to browse the deep information of the website. For website content, it is good to be concise and focused. The richer the content is, the better it is not applicable to the mobile website.
Third, avoid the use of pop-up windows
Whether it is for convenience users to contact website customer service or to do some small advertising purposes, to avoid the application of pop-up windows as far as possible, the mobile web site originally loading speed is slow, and then add these windows, will inevitably affect the user experience, obstruct the user's view of the website, enter the user traffic, cause the dislike. Abandon the continued access to the web site.
Fourth, the picture of the mobile website should be set up
Browse the website from the mobile phone is not so convenient, the operation is not as flexible as the PC side, the front also said that the use of Web site design technology can solve the problem of the website to adapt to the screen, the website pictures are no exception, but for users to see the page using pictures more clearly, can use the whole station zoom mode, Instead of clicking on the zoom mode of a single picture, odd billion Xiaobian thinks that the mobile website that has done well in this respect has webmaster tools, which is worth learning from. Of course, it's the best way to use pictures on mobile websites.
Fifth, the operation of the website is simple
On the open way of the new page, it is best to use the current page display way to avoid the new window to cause the burden of the site resources. At the same time, it is best to set up a reminder for the phenomenon of the web site error, so that the user can quickly find the page exit for the jump, instead of the return operation.
Sixth, interactive interactive behavior
Users in mobile clients like to share messages and share functions. Especially when you see a great post, you will choose to share it in your friends' circle or space, so that your friends can participate in it. For example, now it is popular to do WeChat public big cafes, often a post can cause thousands of people to continue to browse, point or share content, fans like this participation, because the circle of fans in the continuous fermentation, the user slowly will be reluctant to leave.
Seventh, the humanization of the login interface
No matter what kind of software, you must have your own characteristics in the login interface. Why do you say that, if the user downloads this software, whether the user is waiting for a long time in all respects, the user has only one idea to uninstall it, and says the software is too garbage to mention. If there are some special interfaces in the process of user waiting, users will slowly forget the waiting time in the interface. In this way, users will not feel disgusted, but because this interface is willing to wait for a while.
Finally, I would like to share with you the issue of mobile website construction. With the development of intelligent self help station technology, many users prefer to choose templates. But the mobile site is limited by the small screen of mobile phone and the speed of the mobile website. It is suggested that when choosing the template of the mobile site, you choose the style more concise and clear, so that the user can find the content that you need in the small screen.

2018年4月19日 星期四

機房建置3 d可視化管理系統

1 .機房規模小,分散,機房巡檢壓力大,人力成本高,不能及時發現問題。
2 .配套設施不足,環境監控傳感器部署不足,不能全面精準,實時獲取每個機櫃和每臺關鍵它設備的環境監控數據,無法精確掌握每一臺服務器的實時運行狀況。
3 .沒有規範化資產管理工具,資產數量多且遷移頻繁,使大量人力資源消耗在繁重的重複性工作上;造成數據中心資產信息丟失,設備進入機房環境後沒有缺乏永久性存儲設備軌跡等。
4 .機房客戶管理缺少系統工具支撐,無法快速統計託管客戶的資源佔用,費用清繳等情況,無法計算託管機房的投入產出比,無法對託管機房做中遠期的資源使用規劃。
5 .運維管理子系統衆多且孤立運行,操作不方便,管理界面不夠直觀。人工統計任務繁重,無法實時統計能耗,成本,空間等統計數據,數據缺乏客觀說服力,運營效益低。
6 .缺少生動有效的運維培訓管理工具,幫助運維人員快速熟悉機房環境和學習維護流程。
7 .預警能力不足或沒有統一的預警機制,無法實現系統的風險預警或對預警無法及時響應。
機房建置3 d智慧管理系統是基於自主研發的3 d可視化物聯網基礎支撐性工具拓展爲解決數據中心管理規模越來越龐大;管理工具越來越多樣化;管理信息和管理數據越來越海量化的精細化,專業化,自動化管理要求。系統以3 d可視化作爲重要管理手段,對數據中心資產設備,資源設備運行狀況等進行全面監控和管理,包括基礎設備監控和基礎設備管理兩大功能模塊。通過採集設備,傳輸設備和管理設備等,將數據中心機房內分散的多種專業監控系統,資產管理系統,運維流程管理系統融合在構建數據中心的3 d全息圖景中,建立統一監控,統一預警,統一資產管理以及統一空間規劃,並提供規範化的系統管理流程,改變監控,數據孤島現象,並保障機房運維過程有據可依;
3 d可視化系統核心功能:
1.3 d引擎:提供驅動圖形顯示的核心3 d組件,用戶無需安裝任何插件。
圖形接口:提供將其它3 d工具創建的模具進行整理導入接口。
2 .場景編輯器:提供高靈活度場景編輯,用戶可自由添加3 d場景資產資源,支持多個物理地點的機房場景的添加,切換與展示,以滿足多中心管理的要求。
3 .模型管理:提供內置的產品模型庫管理,可根據需求在後臺上傳或者更新。
4 .權限管理:提供用戶,角色與權限管理的功能。
5 .數據接口:系統易於集成擴展,支持ActiveMQ,網絡服務等接口協議,並提供標準接口,可供第三方推送資產數據或監控數據。
6 .環境展示:可通過鼠標對3 d場景進行操作,能對三維場景實現放大或縮小,上下左右的平移操作以及任意角度旋轉,同時可層次化遞進地實現數據中心級,樓層級,機房級,機櫃級,設備級,端口級的瀏覽。
7 .資產展示:提供資產設備的3 d展示功能,包括配置信息展示,準確定位資產位置信息,自動盤點資產數量,實時監測設備的異動情況。
8 .管線展示:提供鏈路的3 d展示功能,包括鏈路以及端口信息。
9 .容量展示:提供你位,能耗,載重等數據可視化功能。
11 .告警展示:可以將所有設備異動情況,第三方平臺告警信息集中展示,提供統一預計機制。
1)系統提供可視化配置功能,可以對操作菜單,按鈕,監控面板,圖層選項,3 d場景角度進行調整,並可根據用戶偏好設置3 d效果。
4)3 d軟件運行無需安裝任何插件
數據中心場景編輯器是由永拓科技自主研發的3 d可視化物聯網基礎支撐性工具,可提供一整套3 d場景建設到3 d可視化管理和運維的解決方案,系統爲管理人員提供有自定義繪製,修改戶型結構;添加,刪除資產,編輯,修改監控連接對象以及監控屬性表現樣式,爲數據中心實際工程管理提供高靈活性。實現項目資源重利用以及快速實現場景仿真以及直觀化快速部署。
1,實現數據中心所在建築外觀,數據中心所在樓層及數據中心內部環境的虛擬仿真,3 d建模的結果需要與真實環境一致,包括結構,尺寸,以及內部的裝修風格等。
4,可用3 d形式展現機房冷熱通道氣流分佈情況,並實現動態效果。

Datacenter migration data arrangement strategy

Datacenter migration data collation is to collate the data of the original system into data recognized by the system conversion program. The data collation is divided into two stages: the first stage is to make the data collection and backup of different types of sources to the unified database; the second stage is to arrange the original data, and to classify the different intermediate databases according to the different requirements, and to provide the intermediate data for the data conversion. The following methods are used in the process of data consolidation:
 Datacenter migration
L ensures the integrity of the original data
In data consolidation, we need to backup the raw data first. There are two purposes for backup: one is to unify the database, to facilitate data conversion, and the other is to provide reference for tracing the source of future data. In this system, we will use DB2 as backup unified database.
L data hierarchical filtering strategy
Data classification filtering means sorting data into different intermediate databases according to different data levels. In this system, we divide data into three levels: discarded data, data to be adjusted, and transferable data. Waste data is the existence of some data, which wastes data on system resources, and will affect the operation of future systems. The data to be adjusted is that part of the data seriously affect the operation of the new system. The conversion data is that this part of the data does not need to do any processing, basically meets the requirements of data conversion or the proposed adjustment of the new system of data, but does not affect the operation of the system, and can be adjusted after the operation of the new system, which can save a lot of time for the data conversion work.
L collects related tools with the help of data
Data collation is very arduous, the amount of data involved is very large, it is impossible to complete by manual inspection, so it is necessary to write the relevant data sorting tool to complete the data sorting. It includes data consolidation tools and data error correction tools. The data sorting tool is responsible for classifying the data in the original backup database into different intermediate databases; the data error correction tool is responsible for providing a friendly and convenient tool interface for the users to improve and correct the wrong data.
L uses the Middle Library as a bridge
Because the database structure of the original system and the new system may be different, it is very important to use the intermediate library as an important bridge to connect the data of the old and new systems, and to establish the control relationship of the old and new systems. Once a business operator has doubts about a certain conversion data in the new system, the raw data can be successfully identified through the correlation between the intermediate libraries.