2017年11月30日 星期四

Website design: what do you need to pay attention to in setting up a backstage system?

Low coupling of website design function modules
According to the business process, some basic functional modules are derived from business management, commodity management, order management, logistics after-sale, payment settlement and account management. Each module also contains multiple menu functions.
 Website design
Business management: include business registration landing, company information management, qualification certification, pay deposit. Commodity management: manage commodity brand category, publish commodity, commodity shelf, commodity shelf, commodity warehouse. Order management: order view, abnormal order processing, and exchange document management.
Logistics after sale: logistics distribution setting, delivery management.
Payment settlement: settlement management, settlement details, reimbursement documents management, freight settlement management.
Account management: margin system, goods payment inquiry, account amount inquiries.
With the specific module, we can refine the specific menu function. With the growth of business and scale growth, some functional modules will be stripped to separate systems. Therefore, when designing functional modules, we need to pay attention to low coupling and reconfiguration day, so that we can migrate better. Many of the background products need to understand and even understand the technology, because the background system design, we need to refine each field, understand the database, table structure. Three. The flow of data is blood
A product has two kinds of data: input data, the flow of data refers to the direction of the input data of the system, the source of the output data. The flow of data makes the product alive.
The background system is not a single existence, a merchant system interacts with the investment management system, product system, order system, payment system, financial system, logistics system, BI system, marketing system, advertising system, recommendation system, message center...
In product design, we need to know clearly that every function module interacts with the system, and the whereabouts and circulation of each single data involve the influence of related systems. In this way, the risk can be avoided. At the same time, the extensibility and extensibility of the controlled products are also extended.
The following points need to be paid attention to in the design of the backstage system.
1, the system is easy to understand.
A good and easy to use system can greatly improve the efficiency of the related staff and colleagues, and directly save time and cost.
2, the function module is low coupling.
Designing products that make the architecture of Internet products is growing very fast, iterative frequent, user growth is tens of thousands, maybe 35 months, the existing system has not meet the current business, and module division, good low coupling, whether in the iterative reconstruction, or data migration, will play great role.  3. Distribution of authority roles.
The background system is a data pool, the related workflow is assisted by a variety of roles or many departments, so the relevant privileged roles need to be well divided.
First create a role - and then assign permissions to the role, different roles, menus, and data permissions.
Create an account again - assign roles to the account. In this way, the user allocates the functional permissions.

