Website design UX contains many design principles from color, line to element placement. Let's take a look at the basic UX tips for good web design:
1, home page
The first page of your website contains all the basic information you want the audience to understand. That means you should focus on the main points you want to express. In order to ensure great user experience, please remember not to put everything on the front page. People hate reading long text, so the content of the home page is as short as possible. The home page of your website should make the reader align with the content on the website.
Here are a few points to note:
Keep it simple
The most important content and elements (such as call phrases) should always be placed on the first screen.
Right link. Links should go to the right page. Your home page should always contain information, news, contacts and content pages.
Put what you want to sell in the first place. This is connected to the rolling conservatism cue. Put everything you sell before everything else. Give your visitor a cell and what they'll find.
Always keep the logo on the front page.
2, navigation
One of the things that users find in your website is navigation. It helps your website in many ways:
It can affect the conversion rate
It allows visitors to easily access and view web pages
One of the things you should remember is that you shouldn't confuse visitors when designing navigation areas. This means that you should always be aware of navigation icons, text, and location. You need to know everything about the site and place the most important things on the hierarchy, not so important in the lower level. The information architecture covers functionality, user requirements, site maps, testing, and wireframe brainstorming. The information architecture includes functionality, user requirements, site maps, testing, and wireframe.
3. Use standard navigation design
Similarly, although the design of the navigation is creative, please do not change the location of the navigation area when changing the page. It's important to use the same navigation model on all pages. As a designer, you have to be consistent, because changing the navigation model will change the visitor's perception. They may even think they're on different websites. Balance creativity and function!
4. Readability of your website
One of the things that users find in your website is navigation. It helps your website in many ways:
It can affect the conversion rate
It allows visitors to easily access and view web pages
One of the things you should remember is that you shouldn't confuse visitors when designing navigation areas. This means that you should always be aware of navigation icons, text, and location. You need to know everything about the site and place the most important things on the hierarchy, not so important in the lower level. The information architecture covers functionality, user requirements, site maps, testing, and wireframe brainstorming. The information architecture includes functionality, user requirements, site maps, testing, and wireframe.
3. Use standard navigation design
Similarly, although the design of the navigation is creative, please do not change the location of the navigation area when changing the page. It's important to use the same navigation model on all pages. As a designer, you have to be consistent, because changing the navigation model will change the visitor's perception. They may even think they're on different websites. Balance creativity and function!
4. Readability of your website
I know it's a cliche, but you have to remember it. The font should be large enough to be read, even without zooming pages. Remember, you're designed for human beings, not ants. I suggest that you use at least 16px in the text text, and remember that there is no script or handwritten font in the text! Text below 16px and text with script or script font are unreadable. As a web designer, you will want to read your content, right?
6. Correct use of italics
Italics play a very important role in some content, but it makes the text difficult to read. That's why I recommend using boldface, because it just makes the text more stressed, and it's easier to read.
7, if words are not links, please do not underline them
Underline can also emphasize your words, but they confuse visitors. When you read an article on the web, it's going to be a hyperlink to see the underlined word. Most likely, the user will click on the underlined words, because they look like a link.
User experience is a very difficult thing to remember. But I think the best way to understand the concept of UX is to put yourself at the point of general Internet users. Once you get it, you know what they want.