Data center migrations, including data centers in all aspects, are no longer practical and cost-effective.
For the new data center, as well as to the upgrading of existing data center, choose before with the size of the data center solutions used has been adopted (with related drawings, subsystem or system design scheme is the most sensible thing to do.)
Choose the past classic design as a new project in project design reference basis, to the project itself and the data center optimization of the overall scheme design and subsequent data center to run the life cycle of the whole will have a positive impact.
The past solutions used as reference to set up in the new project or to upgrade existing data center, can simplify the project cycle, shorten the planning and implementation process, and reduce the risk of data center after running down.
The following is a description of the definition and advantages of the reference design.
To build a data center faster, you need to have a strong incentive to plan and delegate to a third party.
However, due to the limited budget, shortage of staff, the early can't clear IT load, other dynamic change, from the design point of view put forward high availability is not compromise, and so on practical problems, make extremely difficult to achieve this goal.
Planning and building data center realistic planning is key.
However, in the data center project construction process, "system planning is likely to be a fatal weakness in the implementation of data center projects.
Once the system planning mistakes, you will be in the later construction, the implementation stage amplifier and spread continuously, is likely to lead to system delay, construction costs, delays, and eventually involving system appear likely problem.
When planning for a data center, this tool can help planners avoid some potential pitfalls during early planning.
Usually, the reference to design the blueprint of the system is usually a reference to previous project, including the system schematic diagram, chart, (ideally), at the same time also includes a detailed list of all systems of material or component.
Although the reference design can be implemented directly, more typically, it can be used as a benchmark to meet specific user preferences or constraints.
The reference design may be used for a complete data center, or IT may be limited to a system in a data center, such as an IT machine room, power equipment, or cooling system.
A variety of directories to choose from are designed to allow users to quickly find the design best suited to their needs and require minimal adaptation to their specific projects.
Reference design is based on recommended and proven best practices.
For example, the manufacturer of electrical components often provides reference designs for their products to help their customers become more efficient in their own project applications.
The reference design also exists in the physical infrastructure system of the data center, and can provide the advantages of the electrical original and housing design mentioned just now.
Data center reference design as a starting point provides some valuable Suggestions for the project team, including:
Promote and simplify the planning stage
Reduced planning time
Reduce risk, provide forecast for future risks and improve reliability
What is the data center reference design?
What it contains and explains how the benefits listed above are implemented one by one.
Data center reference design elements
Data center is a reference to design test, verify, and record the plan, is used to describe the physical infrastructure systems is how to build and layout, and describe the plan use what specific components.
For a reference design covering the entire data center, electrical, mechanical, and IT rooms should be covered.
Design documents usually come in two forms:
Drawing paper
Written record (design document, material list, completion record, etc.)
Description of drawings:
Perhaps the most useful of all possible design documents is the electrical single - line drawing, the single - line drawing of each system, the drawing of the IT machine room.
These files provide information on all aspects of the construction, equipment installation quantity, type, learned through drawing and water schematic diagram of the system, power system drawings to show the design electrical and piping connection.
It is these drawings that, in large part, make the reference design ultimately buildable.
The plane layout diagram is an important reference design in the drawing.
As the drawing name implies, these drawings show the dimensions, layout and distance of all equipment components.
These components
Including the racks, PDU, CRAC/CRAH, UPS, generators, switchboards, ATS,
And so on.
These important information will soon help us answer some big questions.
For example, "can I install a 1 megawatt power supply?
Is the data center suitable for this building?
In addition to conveying the general requirements of all kinds of space,
As well as the various aspects of design, it can be seen from the drawings that the reason for the equipment is so laid out.
Specific reasons.
These include maximizing the efficiency of the cooling, simplifying the operation process, maintaining the stability of the device, and properly applying the code and standards associated with spacing.
Figure 3 below shows an example of an IT layout diagram.
Layout drawings of electrical and mechanical rooms should also exist.
A three-dimensional view is another kind of graphic document in the design.
See figure 4.
The three - dimensional view shows the user's intuitive and clear view of the area functions of the data center, indicating what a given data center will look like when it is completed with reference to the design (3d rendering).
All major system components can be easily identified and described.
Though from the engineering point of view, the 3 d rendering is not necessarily useful, but the 3 d rendering can be an efficient way, can help better understanding is not very technical users a more intuitive display, demonstration and promotion of a kind of way, such as introduce to the finance director or purchasing manager.
File record
Effective reference design also includes advanced summary of design attributes and understanding of system level performance.
This will list the basic specifications, such as project cost estimate, IT load capacity, forecast annual PUE value, density capability, redundancy of power load and cooling system, heat dissipation method, etc.
Standard listing of the system, help the project design team quick list complete with their own design project of similar parameters than the comparison, find out the differences, also to help compare the design is to have an explanation for the benefit of a given design ideas and specific file.
This information can help us explain why the project is so designed;
The details may be ignored or misunderstood.
The list of materials (BOM), as shown in figure 5, is another important and useful element data center reference design.
The BOM is a detailed listing of all the components that are shown in the design graphic document.
The specific product name, description, part number and the number of each component are identified.
In this example, look for the design supplier to provide the parts.
Providing this information early in the planning phase can help save time and reduce risk building data center specifications and procurement procedures.
Design limitations:
As shown above, the design can deliver a large number of detailed design information, design or transform an important start of a project.
However, it is important to have a complete and accurate reference design to understand their limitations and boundaries.
First, the project team can even start comparing and comparing the basic requirements of the new data.
These requirements help determine which reference designs are suitable for further review.
Although the purpose of this article is not to describe how to choose and compare designs, it should be pointed out that at least design can be chosen
Expected total IT load
The redundancy of power and cooling
With these three values, you can select the appropriate reference design from more options libraries.
From these reference design libraries, compare and weigh them.
At the same time, the efficiency of defining a larger, more comprehensive list of requirements increases and speeds down the number of design options.
Despite the reference design mentioned above, engineering services are still necessary to build or transform data centers.
Some drawings may be constructed only after the seal and approval of the local authority.
The design needs to be legal (allow, comply with relevant specifications, etc.) and localize (to meet industry conventions and rules).
In addition, in order to make the build process is reliable, the other work also need to fill every design details, such as cable and pipe schedule, floor/roof load limit, or provide proper drainage system.
Not all designs can cover fire and physical security systems, so once the design is selected, these projects may need to be completed through third-party construction.
In addition, the design and construction of elements associated with the physical structure itself are not detailed in the reference design, unless the design is based on an independent module like prefabrication.
Additional engineering services are required if the selected reference design changes are preferred or required.
While any design can be changed, the standardization and modularity of architecture, systems, and components are all in reference design, and these changes can be made easier and faster.
And the impact of these changes will be smaller.
The standardization and modularity of physical infrastructure in data centers further studies the many positive effects of standardization and modular design.
As mentioned above, the reference design is based on best practices and experiences.
Components and subsystems are designed to work together.
The more these optimized systems are modified, the less likely they are to benefit.
Project progress and performance
There may be a negative impact, and the end result may be that the data center does not have a primitive list that is more similar to the normalized attributes described earlier.
That said, there could be some changes that might actually benefit the overall design or
The project.
For example, the chief engineer may be knowledgeable about a given system or specific expertise
The method may be different from the original reference design, or the component replacement may be
Because availability issues in one area are necessary.
2. Advantages of using the reference design:
Simplified planning phase
Reduce the initial planning time
Reduces risk, provides predictable performance, and improves reliability of data centers.
Not all reference designs are the same.
The sidebar on the left side of the page lists some properties that make one design more efficient than another.
The degree to which the design has these attributes will affect the degree and quantity of the benefits obtained.
Simplified planning phase
One of the biggest challenges for new data centers is startup.
For this project, almost always has some obvious demand: meet growing demand, adding new applications or services, or allowing virtualization large-scale merging multiple locations, to save energy and reduce operational costs.
No matter what is driving demand, challenges always involves the early planning, at least to a certain extent, the new IT requirements (more servers, storage, etc.) into a more detailed, can be built and used to support its physical infrastructure design list.
Even after the further to other design parameters (for example, electricity demand, project budget, etc.), there are still many design problems and some restrictions, must through continuous communication, clear requirements, planning step by step.
The reference design can be used as a reference for reference, and can be discussed for some specific problems.
The people involved in the data center project typically have very different backgrounds, perspectives, technical knowledge levels, and goals.
This often creates challenges for early planning steps
You can quickly identify some basic issues (such as IT load power density and critical values) from some of the reference designs, greatly simplifying the early planning process.
By using referential design, it reduces the number of decisions that need to be made on a project team.
The reference design further simplifies the process, not just the quick transformation
The detailed requirements for high level of basic requirements can be derived from the reference design.
The purpose of using the reference design is to encourage more stakeholders to participate and streamline the design process.
All of this helps to align the design goals of the data center project.
This use of the reference design not only helps the project go well, but also helps the data center to run safely in its life cycle.
Reference design provides a quick and easy way to accurately compare possible scenarios and design tradeoffs.
The project team members can quickly visualize the design based on some design parameters provided by the reference design, and immediately see the impact of changing the variables behind the given design.
For example, how does redundancy affect costs?
Would it be cheaper to produce a 10-megawatt data center or two 5-megawatt data centers?
How does the power density requirement affect the overall size of the data center?
These types of problems may take a few months to understand and use traditional, custom "disposable" design methods.
Using a standardized reference design, it takes only a few minutes to compare.
Reduced planning time
Once the initial requirements are established, the project objectives are agreed upon and a reference design is selected, and the data center design team will soon be able to plan the new project as a whole.
As described above, the time savings in the process of planning and graphic design document and BOM details found in combination, means that in the traditional custom design method, has the mark and the approved plan will be faster than traditional plans.
Reduce risk, provide forecast for future risks and improve reliability
By using the reference design, each participant is at the same starting point and the same language is agreed upon in the data center project design plan, which is the best way to reduce risk.
The use of the reference design is the embodiment of standardization.
Being pre-designed and validated means that it has been excluded from the low efficiency and error-prone complexity found in unique custom designs.
However, the real beauty of the reference design is that it plays an important role in sharing its inherent knowledge and experience with people who have never had a data center project.
Typically, standardizing design, operation, or any other business process requires iterative experimentation, mistakes, lessons learned, and best practices.
Only then can the benefits of standardization be achieved.
But without more data center projects, these benefits will not be truly felt because these projects will use the best practices that are carefully created.
Therefore, the reference design is preconsidered.
It was built before.
The problem has been solved.
Components, systems, and subsystems have been selected to achieve effective and efficient interoperability between them.
Not being overlooked.
Their operations have been measured, so their future performance in the new construction is predictable.
In such conditions to build the new data center than traditional, fully customized data center are more likely to be set up and commissioned, and than traditional, completely custom data centers are more reliable, more reliable.
3. The evolution of reference design
The reference design comes from end users or operators in the data center, and some companies design and build many of their own data centers.
They have some unique experience in the field of business will affect the overall architecture, data center infrastructure or, as they built their own rich experience, has the original opinion on a field.
For these types of customers, to develop their own internal standard reference design is a very meaningful, to better enable them to "step by step and repeat their proven design.
In some cases, organized efforts share these design and best practices with others in the industry to help improve energy efficiency.