Data center migration, virtualization, and cloud computing technology are changing the pattern of computing technology. In order to make use of this wave of technology, enterprises need to virtualization existing physical servers, storage, network and other devices that constitute the current infrastructure.
If the enterprise is looking for ways to improve the physical data center, virtualization may provide the enterprise with the answer. People can get more information about the virtualization of the data center and understand the eight benefits of the virtualized data center.
1. speed up redeployment when one of the physical servers in the data center fails, redeployment time depends on a variety of factors. The enterprise needs the standby machine available and has the current effective image for restoring the server. Virtualization reduces these problems by using a virtual machine snapshot to redeploy the server, and does not require a downtime, which does not affect the user (ydotpub).
2. better backup, in addition to the traditional virtual server backup, can also create snapshots and backups of all virtual machines. A snapshot can be regularly implemented in a day so that the current image is deployed on other servers. The snapshot starts the machine faster than the backup, thereby minimizing the downtime.
3. a better test virtual environment provides a good test platform for new servers and applications. When the test is wrong, the snapshot can be quickly and simply restored to the older version. An enterprise can also easily create a test environment that is isolated from end-user access.
4. improving the disaster recovery of the current server and virtual machine snapshots can simplify the disaster recovery process. By including the backup (if it is a network addressing scheme of enterprise), enterprises can re create a data center in any virtual environment, even if the virtual machine hosting data center itself will failure and disaster, so companies need to obtain a more powerful disaster recovery capabilities, and ensure that business continues to run.
5. eliminating vendor locking with the emergence of new technologies brings possibilities for the abstraction of the inherent hardware and software in virtualization. The virtual environment of an enterprise can make full use of the flexibility of using new hardware or software platforms.
6. single - purpose server virtualization will not require multiple applications on a single physical server to reduce costs. Today, the e-mail, Web, and database servers of an enterprise can run on their own virtual servers. This will lead to more reliable function of the organization as a whole.
7. more easily migrated to cloud enterprises to use virtual machines instead of physical servers, making it a big step towards creating a complete cloud computing environment. Virtual machines can be used to create cloud based infrastructure and eventually be transferred to the cloud infrastructure. By using this virtualization technology, the enterprise can access all connected devices (ydotpub) at the cloud end.
8. environmental and economic benefits are virtualized, and enterprises can take advantage of the economies of scale provided by the data center and use fewer servers. This will greatly reduce the cost related to the use of cooling and electricity, reduce the carbon footprint, and make companies more attractive to environmental consumers. It can also reduce the cost of hardware. Together, these factors make virtualization a real cost saving measure and means for the enterprise.
Through all the advantages provided by virtualization, enterprises need to start migrating their data center business into virtual space. The first step in a good start is to use port virtualization technology. Enterprises may first want to virtualization several servers, but after recognizing these advantages, enterprises may be on the way of data center comprehensive virtualization.