Enterprise web design, the first impression is always important, usually you only need a few seconds can be impressive. For example, when we first met: dressing, hair style, figure, and so on, we can produce a difference, which brings a delicate special emotion.
Similarly, first impressions are also important in the online world. Site visitors can be able to judge your website in a matter of seconds, learn about the reputation of your company, start with what they see, and how you feel when you browse your site. According to statistics, if you make a false first impression, 1/5 of visitors will leave your website without giving you a second chance.
Of course, from the beginning to the present, the web design has made great progress over the years. New features are discovered and implemented each year, and the most popular features are added to the list of options used by designers and developers. Unlimited scrolling, landing pages, banners, popups, cookies, social media, integration, sharing, reviews - lists can go on - just a few of the features that have been considered hot trends over the past few years.
Understand the latest web design trends and adjust to deliver the best information so that you can create a website that will attract viewers and attract the attention of the audience.
But before going deeper, let's be clear: even if web design requires creativity, it's not the purest meaning of art. Because beyond emotional expression and passion, web design can help people find answers to their needs, take action or accomplish tasks, and give users a special experience.
More than ever, everything from web pages to content to navigation and layout has a specific purpose. Of course, many websites have been designed for some time and have collected a lot of clutter during this time. If you plan to redesign or redesign a web site, your first step should be to review the content and review it. You should clear it up and focus on the relationship with the target audience. However, if you decide to design a site from scratch, then you should start with site maps, wireframe, and top-level tasks. In this constant, clear and absolutely complete struggle, the first should be the winner.
Beyond all modern web design trends should be the relationship with the target audience and the intention to communicate clear information. So we've chosen five web design trends that will help you create a modern and efficient web site.
1: text typesetting
Even if we are bothered for typesetting, but now there is a narrowing trend to determine the layout, site too many elements, now the expression less and an ornamental image as the background, has now become a.
This type of composition allows, on the one hand, smaller fonts to allow the layout space to breathe; on the other hand, it increases the interest in the information they express.
Balance is also a problem related to this trend. In order to create a sense of harmony, all fonts need to be reduced in some way. This reduction may not only be the size of the font, but also in terms of color. Large and small spelling combinations are very acceptable, where light characters for titles can be used in combination with small fonts from replicas.
2: Geometric hierarchy
In looking for new elements that can add new visual interest to the design, geometric layering is steadily increasing in popularity. Geometric layering is a technique for the freshness of images, such as buildings, interior design, staff, and so on.
Adding interesting shapes, contrasting colors and incisions, always provides a starting point for the user to enter the site design and effectively helps him focus on the most relevant content, such as a brand or title.
The best part of using geometric layering is that they are easy to use and integrate with the rest of the design, and are almost suitable for any type of content. The angles and curves of geometric elements help users move from one element to another, and may be a good orientation tool when they are used effectively. By using the circle for content, you need to first see and fix the angle so that you can point to what you want the user to see, and you will help the audience better understand the message you want to deliver.
3. enhance the stereo feeling
3D was used in Web Design in 2011, and over the next few years, we've seen the possibilities of using 3D among many exciting web designers. The development of 3D in the online world has been going on, with some very impressive implementations from visual effects as proof of concept, and the formal use of 3D, designed to make a great network experience.
Using 3D elements in web design can make your site more memorable and memorable, and its purpose is to create a sense of depth. As a result, sites including 3D elements are more interesting and dynamic than most web sites that contain graphic 2D designs. In terms of the use possibilities, the 3D effect can be well applied to a variety of design options. From the game style interface to shopping and product identification, the interface to virtually interactive user authentication is quite attractive. This may be the main reason for integrating 3D effects and styles into web design. In addition, with the rapid development of VR / AR, this trend is developing rapidly and will be more popular than it is now.