2017年9月26日 星期二

How to data center migration intelligently

Data center migration shouldn't have been so terrible. To be sure, the process is difficult and urgent, but if the organization is concerned about the consequences of the data center migration project, it may well not be ready and need to continue to improve its planning. The old military adage also applies: "war plans do not keep pace with changes in the battlefield."." Data center migration usually requires more time and resources than expected.
 Data centre migration
According to IDC, a research firm, the organization spends more than 1/4 of its IT budget on data centers, which can easily become major cost centers. The chief information officer wants to reduce the budget, but the reality is that organizations have to assess their data center layout. This usually means that organizations have to consolidate multiple data centers into more efficient configurations, or reposition different data centers into more cost-effective locations, or take both.
Migrating critical business and server areas is potentially destructive to IT assets. Even if the migration itself goes well, the CIO still needs to quickly formulate measurable ways to improve it to cope with this difficult process.
Data center migration shouldn't have been so terrible. To be sure, the process is difficult and urgent, but if the organization is concerned about the consequences of the data center migration project, it may well not be ready and need to continue to improve its planning. The old military adage also applies: "war plans do not keep pace with changes in the battlefield."." Data center migration usually requires more time and resources than expected.
Intelligent migration ensures that the data center converts the first attempt to success. Here are four key points for a successful migration of data centers:
Not dependent on guesswork
One of the worst mistakes for businesses is to overestimate their knowledge of IT infrastructure and its supported technologies, applications, and services. Worryingly, this is one of the most common mistakes. There is no doubt that the lack of new technology and staff turnover make it difficult for organizations to retain data centre expertise.
Although everyone makes the greatest efforts in documenting and reporting, they take away useful knowledge as they are retrained or left behind by the staff. Even if the document does exist, it can be of poor quality or uneven quality. For example, after publishing a new application, the developer fails to document the impact of the change in the policy on the night index. This migration is not only clumsy, but it lacks unified truth data.
The answer given here is careful planning. Spend enough time to correctly complete the initial mapping and discovery phase, which will save time and cost in the long run.
Do according to one's ability
It is tempting to see data center migration as part of a program upgrade and to accomplish other major changes at the same time. In theory, it saves time and cost, but in practice it increases the chances of project failure and the rest of the crash. When there are multiple projects, consideration should be taken in order to ensure adequate time for migration.
Similarly, setting unrealistic goals, schedules and doing work without understanding the timing of the schedule is a common mistake. This may begin with a statement, for example, the data center lease expires within three months, so we must migrate to the new data center before maturity". This may not be a problem for a small company with only 10-50 servers, but for larger companies, it will take more than three months. In addition, its complexity also affects time scales. A balanced service delivery and migration deadline will have a major conflict when the same 10-50 servers are bound by the rigid service class agreement (SLA) for all day revenue generating websites.
Even if there is a sensible migration plan, enough manpower is needed to make sure that the deadlines are not missed and that employees are not overly stressed. Assuming that IT support and operators have to migrate the data center's resources and continue to perform their normal duties, this will inevitably reduce the quality of the two jobs.

