2018年5月29日 星期二

Datacenter migration,how do you finish the test on time?

Datacenter migration,Starting from the first day of operation, the data centers of all sizes will face up to the "five nine" (99.999% normal run time) performance requirements. In order to meet the needs of users, the staff will improve the safety level for the electrical acceptance test of the data center. Today, effective testing is critical to the normal running time of data center, and it needs to be maintained.
Nowadays, the construction cycle of data center is becoming shorter and shorter, each process is under pressure, and the testing and debugging of its equipment is no exception. Because acceptance testing is the key to identify the possible deterioration of the operation status of the data center, the value of the test will only increase with time.
 Datacenter migration
Planning the practicality of high efficiency and safety testing to ensure the implementation of the schedule, including the overall data management required to deliver the results of the organization on time.
If the test plan is completed, the parameters are set correctly, and the process has been verified, but these results are not available, then the work has not been completed. Pay attention to strict data management to ensure timely collection and recording of acceptance and reliability data. Productive data management practices include:
Specific field data coordination
• electronic information capture
• planning of proprietary systems
Shortening the testing time may increase the workload of data center tester, thus generating a large amount of data in a short time. Testing staff members need to focus on capturing data and ensuring that they are provided in an organized way. This requires on-site data administrators to improve the efficiency of the testing team and ensure that the data will not be misplaced or misunderstood.
Special data administrators can also improve the efficiency and timeliness by preparing the required knowledge base through communication center and professional system data.
Enhanced data management tools increase the speed and bandwidth of testing. The ability to test at the scene should be supported by on-site tools to capture information electronically. Removing files from files can reduce transmission and data entry errors and speed up synchronization with proprietary systems. Knowledge of data systems required by all parties is the key.
Organizing test data to suit each stakeholder system, as well as each reporting and compliance requirement, is the primary requirement for unique expertise. If the contractor is in need, the electrical test partner should also be able to provide an alternative to the proprietary system.
Planning cooperation to alleviate the pressure of time
Data management is a good example of coordination between major contractors, commissioning agents and electrical testing teams. The communication may require some time from the main contractor: because the test team needs to get more information, more information needs to be reiterated for verification. The team with forward-looking thinking will share responsibility with the contractor. By reducing the need for repetition and transmission of knowledge, the contractor can save more time, and the test provider can respond to needs and changes more quickly and more flexibly.
Even the best plan can change. Acceptance and reliability testing also require flexibility, and a test company should be able and willing to assume ownership of this flexibility, so it does not have a negative impact on the timetable or budget. The key factor in the plan is extensibility. If more resources are needed, commissioning companies should be able to expand testing, data management and reporting to ensure the implementation of the plan.
The cost of extensibility is also a factor. Testing companies should consider the reasonable assessment of the time required for technicians and teams. But flexibility and extensibility are not the main concerns of testers.
Test at a safe speed
Testing of distribution assets and systems can proceed safely according to schedule. Testing companies with rich data center testing experience will have internal security policies and procedures that meet or exceed OSHA and NFPA standards, while maintaining an efficient timetable, but they should also have the ability to meet specific site or customer specific security requirements.
Testing companies should have a reliable culture of safety. A key indicator of its safety culture is related safety certification. It believes that strict training will be required for certification of the company and technical personnel. The third party requirement of NETA certification also guarantees an independent, factual result, which can detect problems immediately and handle them in time.
Although the human error rate is 22% in the data center downtime statistics, the failure rate of other categories (including UPS failures and other problems) is obviously higher. The data center test should solve the problems in the construction process, but good test partners can also perform the switch correctly. Clear and accessible data and recording processes enable operators and maintenance teams to provide the necessary tools for the normal operation of data centers.

