2018年2月5日 星期一

What are the most critical points in the website design?

Nowadays, website design is very important for an enterprise. In the era of Internet, it is more necessary to conform to the trend of society, so that we can truly benefit the long-term development of enterprises. Therefore, whether a website can catch the eye of the viewer and how to make the browser tired of it, so as to increase the time to stay, and how to impress people and remember it for a long time, the desire to visit again next time. These are all the key points to be thought about in the design site, and what are the most critical points in the design of the site?
 Website design
A reasonable page layout
When designing a web page, we must pay attention to the rationality of the page layout. A reasonable layout and a clear page can give people a sense of comfort and will be willing to spend time to understand. Don't pay attention to the layout design, page layout of the miscellaneous plate; collocation coordination, concise. With a reasonable layout of the page layout, a fresh page is presented.
Two, slow color design
No matter which industry's web page, in the design process, do not blindly pursue the visual stimulation, make a strange color collocation. In the process of designing a web page, the designer must pay attention to the collocation of the page color, and use warm hue to coordinate collocation and collocation. Only the color is enough coordination and relaxation, can let people have the idea of continuing to stay.
Three. New content of web pages
The content of a web page is as indispensable as the soul of a person. Design a web page, it is sure to want to publicize an enterprise or product, and the content of the web page is not able to lack. Nowadays, if we want to attract users with content, we will need new content. We should pay attention to originality and content novelty from words or other forms of content.
Four. Reduce the use of special characters
When designing a web page, use as few special characters as possible. Sometimes, there are some differences in different computers or different platforms. If you use special characters, you will probably have worse display results, so we should minimize the use of special characters.
Five. Simplicity is not equal to tedious
The true meaning of simplicity is not dull and tedious. Many people are confused by the unusual effects of the web site, ignoring the effectiveness of information. The real meaning of keeping it simple is to think about how to make the information on your website the same as what your visitors expect and need. The technology and effect should be used in the right place, used in effective information, and let visitors pay attention to what they want to pay attention to. Clear design + effective technology = a good site.

