2017年12月18日 星期一

User experience in website design can't be designed

Website design, the word user experience has come to the fore in the past few years, and we have seen the rise of a large number of user experience designers. Every few months, someone pushes a picture of a biscuit (labeled "user interface"), and the other will be a self righteous face to eat biscuits (labeled "user experience"). These metaphors have captured the keynote of the user experience, and "user experience design" has become a process that is a general name. We usually say that we should pay attention to user experience design in webpage design. Actually user experience is not designed. It's just a user's experience and feeling of using website. It's a personal matter.
 Website design
User experience can not be designed
You will also say that a film director is a user experience designer. When we sit in the cinema and watch movies, we are focused on a single linear narrative. Many viewers will experience the same climax and low tide of the same mood for two hours. The first analogy is the user experience and UI, and the user experience is arbitrary. I can design a UI function, but I don't design the user experience, which is left to the user.
The user experience is never a single one.
User experience is not a hallucination, and it plays a role in every site and application. The wrong belief has a unified user experience design. We can design the user experience. We can create clear, functional UI, enchanting micro-interaction. The user experience can happen, but we can't design it.
At school we know that there are five senses: vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Hunger, balance, and temperature can all be regarded as nontraditional senses. Some psychologists believe that there are more than 20 senses. Print design may include several traditional senses: vision, touch, and perhaps taste. A web site usually involves one or two: visual and auditory. In the best case, the user experience in a web site has about 2/5 part of our design. If we consider the unconventional feeling that only 5% of the user experience is the result of our design impact.
Response designs tend to focus on the size of different windows, connection speed, screen resolution, and environmental impact are all factors that we can't control. As the internal quality of the media, the core principle of fast response design is change, not restriction. The natural extension of the response to the web design is a good user experience. By designing a user experience rather than designing the user experience itself, we build tools to develop our own experience for the user.
User experience and ergonomics
Typesetting is mainly concerned with readability and readability. In other words, typesetting is the way the user absorbs information. The user experience of reading is much more than that of typesetting. The experience of entity book reading can be the feeling of paper, the smell of binding, it contains all aspects of using a book. When a user gives a framework, a truly successful user experience is not a design.
One of the most successful series of films, star wars, is not because of the film itself, but because of the toys attached to it. Star Wars not only provide a two - hour linear narrative, but there's a wide world in which fans play their own stories.

