The data center migration staff to the data center and reliable operations are more confident, or frightening for fear of problems lead to data center downtime? Even if an enterprise audits the data center assets once a year or half a year, the process will consume a lot of resources, time and energy of data center staff. If the enterprise collects data through manpower, the staff must record the data of every rack asset monotonously and repeatedly, check whether the mobile device has been moved after the latest audit. For these changes, measures and actions must be taken and dealt with as soon as possible. Therefore, the staff need accurate records to prevent any mistakes in future audits. But doing so may allow experienced employees to become statistical clerks of data center assets, and these people should focus on key engineering tasks that add value to data centers.
If there is a human error in the process of auditing, there will be some consequences. Staff have to spend time looking for lost assets. The IT resources of the new project may be affected, resulting in financial inefficiency and supply problems.
Enterprises are most concerned about the regulatory impact of the wrong or outdated audit, especially if regulators conduct investigation and supervision of enterprises' audit, if there is any mistake, they may make economic penalties for the company.
Meet the needs of an enterprise before it needs a solution
With the rapid development of technology, organizations need to continuously evaluate their data centers to provide agile applications and maintain market competitiveness, and constantly optimize the available resources, effectively manage costs and minimize total cost of ownership.
The survey conducted by IDC, a survey firm, shows that the annual cost of each server will increase by 148%, the server performance will decrease by 39%, and the planned outage time will increase by 62%. If there is no regular and accurate audit of the server's assets, the loss of the business may be far more than the cost of deploying new equipment.
If the data center assets management of enterprises exceeds the capabilities of the local IT team, such as the use of multiple data center sites, hosting services and edge facilities of the mixed ecosystem, then the IT team's tracking and maintenance challenges will be bigger and bigger.
Nowadays, industry is changing with the emergence of new technology. Internet of things (IoT) and real time asset management system will directly affect the audit of data centers. These technologies are transforming the process from people's concerns to cost saving and efficiency improvement.
After all, the ideal data center audit should provide clear operation, understand the way to improve the existing process and equipment and ensure compliance.
For IT teams, auditing should not be as daunting as it is now, but to enable data center teams to provide efficient services, so that business and customers can benefit for a long time.
Enterprises should first understand how high the cost of auditing will be if the existing practices remain unchanged. Many of the costs of an enterprise are hidden. From the adjustment and replacement of assets of enterprises to the productivity and labor force of manual entry of inventory data, many costs are hidden. If this is not recorded, a large number of businesses will be increased.
By deploying the management of real time assets, the enterprise transforms the audit process into a real-time continuous list, which can significantly save the cost. The real-time asset visibility of data center assets also has great benefits. Enterprises know where assets are, and at any time can reduce the workload of monitoring and reporting facilities, which is a way that can satisfy data center staff.
For better supervision, it is necessary to review the data center assets. However, this time-consuming internal audit may be the past, and more of it is to generate real-time reports when it is needed.