2019年4月11日 星期四

Ophthalmic Medical

Dr. John Chang
With the ageing of the population and the overuse of electronic products, the demand for ophthalmic medical services in Hong Kong has increased. The number of cataract surgeries carried out at the hospital last year was 6% higher than in 2014, and the hospital opened up 20,000 square feet in response to increased demand and lack of space for the original facility. Swire Plaza, Admiralty. One-stop "ophthalmology Center and Vision Correction Center, providing general outpatient services, as well as minor surgery and local anesthesia laser plastic surgery." 2,800 cataract surgeries were performed in hospitals last year, more than 2,300 last year, while the ophthalmologist at fan Shu presented a survey of children with myopia, which increased from 2.6% in the 90 to 6.2% in 2000 and is thought to be linked to overuse of electronic products. The hospital's eye science moved to the center of the Admiralty and the Center for Visual Correction, which opened last week and features 3 treatment rooms for independent power supply and air filtration systems. Zhang Jiming, director of vision correction, points out that only minor surgeries for local anesthesia are required. , "We relax a lot and doctors don't have to keep looking for places where they can see a doctor and patients wait more comfortably. He estimates that about 70% of the disease can be seen here, and that all laser surgeries will be performed at the centre. In recent months, the hospital has also invited Dr. Zheng Zhian's eyes to join, saying that eye neuropathy is colder, but refers to related diseases such as temporary retinal ischemia, failure to treat it in time, 30% chance of stroke in 3 years, and even 70% of strokes and other possible deaths from the disease. Dr Zengyan, director of the Center for Ophthalmic Surgery, added that the centre was involved in the "dazzling Action" cataract surgery program, which works with public and private medical institutions and provides free assessments and surgeries at discounted prices. All service charges for the new centre have not changed.

2019年4月9日 星期二

Dr. John Chang

Dr. John Chang

 SEN。 DAVE WALLACE ::獲得法案批准,以擴大驗光師的程序。 SEN。 DAVE WALLACE ::獲得法案批准,以擴大驗光師的程序。 驗光師今天贏得了針對眼科醫生的激烈且昂貴的(通過說客努力判斷)。參議院批准參議員Dave Wallace的HB 1251修改州法律,允許驗光師進行某些外科手術。 投票結果為25-8,其中兩人未投票。反對派演講來自兩位醫生的妻子,參議員塞西爾·布萊多斯和參議員米西·歐文,兩人談到了眼科手術的敏感性和醫生接受的更高水平的培訓。參議員威爾邦德還敦促與醫生一起投票,並表示他不同意立法研究局關於立法機關規範醫學實踐的能力的意見。 華萊士和其他人提出這項法案,因為他們可以提供更多的服務,而這些服務並不是少數眼科醫生所能提供的,而且一位參議員抱怨他為了父親而去看醫生進行多次手術。華萊士強調,該法案不會阻止患者尋找眼科醫生而不是眼科醫生。

2019年4月6日 星期六



眼科診所集團“Deroit International Ophthalmology”將在香港主板上發布,並由中銀國際贊助。德勤成立於1993年,為中高收入客戶提供視力矯正服務,用於治療近視,遠視或散光,老花眼或白內障。該公司在德國,丹麥和中國開展業務。



2019年4月3日 星期三






